The Issue Type to choose when needing traffic Hot on Hulu Flights
What is Sponsorship
5 Business Hours and 12 Business Hours
What is the TAT for Rush and Standard tickets
The ENT Local Contacts for escalations
Who are Jenny Louie and Aliezza Lee
If a ticket is unassigned after 1 hour, the AM should tag either of these people
Who are the MM Leads (National: Raghavendra Vamsi Local: Rakesh Konda)
Due dates for trafficking tickets should take these teams' TAT and workflows into consideration
Who are AD-COPS and AOS?
MM can not support this request as recurring
What is Screen Recordings
These factors are taken into consideration by MM when prioritizing the queue
What are task priority, due date, and ad unit volume?
The ENT National/Agency Contacts for escalations
Who are Ben Rahmani and Allison Kim
The number of attemps an AM should make to follow up on a ticket if the MM assignee is unresponsive
What is two?
Once a ticket has been resolved, it is the AM's responsibility to QA the work and move the ticket to this status
What is Closed?
The Reporting Issue Type to select when requesting a reporting in a non-standard template
What is Custom
The user who is responsible to CLOSE a resolved Jira ticket
Who is the Account Manager
The SROS should reach out to these contacts for escalations, clarifications, or questions
Aliezza Lee & Allison Kim
If a ticket is unassigned after 3 business hours, this person should escalate to the ENT MM Leads
Who is their SROS?
An AM should do this if MediaMint has made an error or needs clarity
What is take the time to correct and teach. Train them as if you're training another AM!
The Reporting Issue Type to select when requesting a reporting in a non-standard templateWhat is Custom
If changes are made to the JIRA template after the ticket has been picked up by MM, the AM should do this
What is call out any changes in the comments
The MediaMint Lead for Local Tickets
Who is Rakesh Konda
This form should be filled out if a task is completed incorrectly or past the assigned due date*
*Assuming TAT are taken into consideration
What is the Issue Form?
The TAT for trafficking does not include this process
What is Flight Review
These 5 request types can be submitted through the JIRA intake form
What are
-Screenshots & Recording
These specific details should be included when sending reporting tasks to MM
What are Flight scheduler dates, Broadcast dates, Tag sheets (Innovid), Proper RIO links, Attach example reports, ETC
The MediaMint Lead for National/Agency Tickets
Who is Raghavendra Vamsi
These escalations should not be brought to the MediaMint AOOs
What are flight review or planning escalations
*MediaMint AOOs oversee trafficking, reporting, billing, optimizations, and screenshots/recordings
Once submitted, the Jira ticket will have this listed as the assignee until it is updated by the MediaMint team
What is "Unassigned"?