Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

Today's Bible lesson compared two things. These things are .....

Rock and Sand


What is year's VBS theme?

Ready, Set, Move! Following Jesus here, there and everywhere!


What are the four groups that we have this year?

Drones, jets, helicopters, rockets


Is Acts in the New or old testament? Explain how you know

varied responses


Who was the story about today and which city did he go?

Paul and he went to Athens

What is today's basic truth?

I can trust God no matter what!


Who did people say Jesus is?

Elijah, prophet, Jeremiah etc


how many times did Peter deny Jesus?

3 times.


What is the memory verse for this week's VBS?

Hebrews 12:2a, NIrV

“Let us keep looking to Jesus. He is the one who started this journey of faith. And he is the one who completes the journey of faith.”


Before he became Paul, what was his name and what did he do?

He was called Saul and he heavily persecuted Christians.


What does it mean to build on sand? What does it mean to build on rock?

varied answers


Which disciple resonded and what did he say?

Peter responded. He said "“You are the Messiah. You are the Son of the living God” 


Did Jesus forgive Peter for denying him? Yes or No.

Explain how you know your answer.

Yes he did. He forgave him by trusting him to take care of his sheep


How many people gave their lives to Christ and were saved on the day of Pentecost?

3000 people!!!!


How did he become a believer in Christ/ A Christian?

While on his way to Damascus, Jesus spoke to him and asked him why he was persecuting him. He got blind for 3 days and a man of God named Ananias placed his hands on him and healed him


give 5 examples of how we can build on rock

reading our Bible, listening to teachers, not listening to songs/movies that do not glorify Jesus, listening to parents etc


What was today's bottom line?

Believe who JESUS IS!!!


What did Jesus mean by "if you love me, feed my lambs/sheep"

Go out into the world and Share the good news about Jesus!


Who explained to the people that the disciples were not drunk and what he say to them?

Peter. He explained that the people were under the influence of the Holy Spirit. He also said that the same Jesus who was crucified, rose and they saw him ascend to heaven and he will come again someday. He also spoke about how scripture was being fulfilled and young men will dream dreams and old men will see visions


what are the names of some of the people that believed in Jesus after Paul spoke?

Dionysius, Damaris, and others


give 5 examples of how we can build on sand

not reading our Bible, watching and listening to songs/movies that don't glorify God etc


Who is Jesus to you?



Apart from Peter, God expects us to also share Jesus' death and resurrection with everyone. ( Remember, we are following Jesus here, there and everywhere). How can we show that we are following and sharing Jesus?

Name 5.

varied responses


What does Pentecost mean?

Bonus...Why are we called a Pentecostal Church?

The descent of the Holy Spirit to earth.

We believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues.


What happened while Paul was in Athens?

