The book Harry Potter was ____ by J.K. Rowling (J.K.ローリング ).
The book Harry Potter was written by J.K. Rowling (J.K.ローリング ).
Tokyo Skytree is ____ ____ Tokyo Tower.
taller (higher)/than
Tokyo Skytree is taller/higher than Tokyo Tower.
What makes you happy?
~ing (playing basketball, playing with my friends...) makes me happy.
It's in China. It's the longest wall in the world. You can enjoy hiking there.
The Great Wall
The English word for "絵文字"?
e-m-o-j-i-> "emoji"
The Mona Lisa was ____ ____ Leonardo Da Vinci.
The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.
The population of Japan is ____ ___ the population of Australia.
bigger (larger - greater)/than
The population of Japan is bigger than the population of Australia.
Watching scary movies ____ ____ scared.
Watching scary movies makes me scared.
It's in Italy. Some say it's the smallest country in the world. The population is about 800 people
The Vatican City
The English word for "高い" (tht starts with 'e')?
Example: 値段が高い.
e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e -> "expensive"
Q: Who made the chocolate cake?
A: The chocolate cake ____ ____ by Yuki.
The chocolate cake was made by Yuki.
Australian football is ____ ____ popular sport in Australia.
Australian football is the most popular sport in Australia.
Hajin said, "The ____ makes me ____."
Hajin said, "The stage makes me nervous."
It's in Peru. It was created by the Incan Empire. It's difficult to get to because it's located so high in the mountains.
Machu Picchu
The English word for "ギター"?
g-u-i-t-a-r -> "guitar"
In Japan, the classrooms ___ ___ ___ the students.
Hint: 掃除されます.
In Japan, the classrooms are cleaned by the students.
Cookies ____ ____ delicious than broccoli.
Cookies are more delicious than than broccoli.
Thinking ____ hamburgers ____ ____ hungry.
Thinking about hamburgers makes me hungry.
It's in America. It's the world's first national park. It's famous for its hot springs, and there are many wild species.
Yellowstone National Park
The English word for "娘"?
d-a-u-g-h-t-e-r -> "daughter"
Q: Who took these beautiful pictures?
A: Those beautiful ____ ____ ____ ____ my brother.
Those beautiful pictures were taken by my brother.
Uluru is ____ ___ ____ Tokyo Tower.
Uluru is as tall as Tokyo Tower.
Thinking ____ my birthday ____ ____ ____.
about/makes/me/happy (excited-sad-nervous...)
Thinking about my birthday makes me happy.
It's one of the largest waterfalls in the world. It's in Africa.
Victoria Falls
The English word for "おみやげ" (that starts with 's')?
s-o-u-v-e-n-i-r -> "souvenir"