
The most recognised symbol of Jāņi celebration is

a) cheese - " Jāņu siers " 

b) high set log fire

c) flower crowns

b) high set log fire


The tradition to have grill - processed meal in Jāņi dates back to years

a) 1980

b) 1930

c) 1740

a) 1980, Soviet period

Traditionally all food is set on table prior to setting Jāņuguns -  the celebration fire, since that moment nobody cooks or prepares, and fire is upheld as a sacred light, rather than grill ready coal


All together there are as many " tautasdziesmas"  - songs dedicated to Jāņi as

a) 780

b) 2650

c) 1300

More than 2650, including all greeting songs, sacred lauding, ritual songs, etc.


On Jāņi day all the work has to be completed until midday, especially

a) cleaning the yard and weeding the garden

b) preparation of food and cooking

c) decoration of the celebration spot 

a) cleaning the yard and weeding the garden

Since midday anyone who would pay a visit to the household is traditionally encouraged to mock the owners if the household is not tidied up and things seem to be in disorder


Especial power -  to keep witches away from the household on Jāņi night is carried by 

a) oak tree

b) birch tree

c) rowan tree

c) rowan tree


The Jāņuguns - the celebration fire symbolises:

a) connection between earth and heaven

b) the Sun

c) wellbeing of the household 

b) the Sun


Head of the household - Jāņa tēvs, has to take care to provide beer for the night, nowadays traditionally he would be expected:

a) buy bottled beer in the local shop

b) brew his own beer

c) get a barrel of fresh brewed beer from a brewery

c) get a barrel of fresh brewed beer from a brewery


Music is very important part of the celebration, so everyone is encouraged:

a) make sure they have all technical means to set an audio devices to play Ligo songs

b) to bring in even self made musical instruments

c) to buy a book and learn the songs properly 

b) to bring in even self made musical instruments


Birch tree branches - sign of celebration cleanness are set at: 

a) the main gate of the household

b) only at the celebration spot

c) at each door and gate of the household

c) at each door and gate of the household


Oak branches with thick and wide leaves are used to make oak crowns in Jāņi, those are reserved for:

a) all present men who' s names are Jānis

b) head of the household - Jāņa tēvs

c) all boys and men who participate in the celebration

a) all present men who' s names are Jānis


" Jānis"  is lauded in the " tautasdziesmas" , the folk songs as:

a) bringing the fertility and good growth to the fields and gardens

b) eradicating misdoings and punishing the laziness 

c) bringing the fun of beer and music

a) bringing the fertility and good growth to the fields and gardens


Jāņu siers is the special cheese made for the celebration, it has one distinctive ingredient added:

a) poppy seeds

b) caraway seeds

c) ground black pepper

b) caraway seeds


The most important musical instrument along the Jāņi night is

a) accordion

b) kokles

c) singers' voices


c) singers' voices


To gain health and strength one must do a special ritual at the Jāņi sunrise:

a) stand and watch the sunrise

b) at sunrise swim across the river and back

c) bath in the morning dew in the meadow at sunrise

c) bath in the morning dew in the meadow at sunrise


By popular belief there is one plant that flourishes  exclusively at Jāņi night:

1) night orchid

2) fern

3) oak tree

2) fern


Arrival of "Jānis"  astronomically marks full celestial cycle of a star known as: 

a) Orion

b) Elctra

c) Sirius

c) Sirius


Each participant of the celebration is supposed to bring some home made food to put on the celebration table.

a) true

b) false

a) true - base is supplied by the household, but each guest arriving would bring additional food and treats


Every song all along the night is sung by adding refrain " līgo. līgo" in a specific intonation. This means

a) move, move

b) stay, stay

c) sway, sway

c) sway, sway


Young people would throw their crowns in the rivers and watch them floating, if any of them would touch each other, it would mean:

a) they would get married that year

b) those would be the next ones to die

c) they would accommodate Jāņi celebration next year

a) they would get married that year


When collecting herbs for medical treatment, it is the best to gather them:

a) until Jāņi day

b) at Jāņi morning 

c) one week after Jāņi

a) until Jāņi day


Traditionally every participant of the celebration in a way becomes a member of ritual family for that night. They would all be named:

a) Jāņotāji

b) Jāņa bērni

c) Jāņa viesi

b) Jāņa bērni - children of Jānis


Non alcoholic, sour-sweet fermented drink based on water and dried rye bread:

a)  alus

b) kvass

c) kombuča

b) kvass


Traditionally drums would be heavily used in Jāņi music and singing

                    False?                              True?

                               False. It's new age trend


There is an established tradition that during the Jāņi night participants would jump over the fireplace, this activity traditionally has been reserved to:

a) children and youngsters

b) married couples with no age restrictions

c) young men and girls at traditional wedding age

c) young men and girls at traditional wedding age


The night of Jānis is the last one of the three sequentially shortest nights in a year. This year it is:

a) 6.07 hours long

b) 4.12 hours long

c) 5.41 hours long

a) 6.07 hours long
