what are the mongols known for?
what is strategy and tactics
Islam is a monotheistic religion; true or false
what is true
if someone is speaking, what is an appropriate reaction?
what is be quiet
how did people avoid the plague?
what is quarantine
what did kings do for fun?
what is hunting
they were the worst horsemen/Archers; true or false
what is false
how many gods are there?
what is one
if you are at a public setting and someone is in your way, what do you say
what is excuse me
what carried the plague?
what is fleas on rats
what is medieval times typically known as?
what is the dark age
what did they use in battle?
what is bow and arrow
what does Islam mean?
what is submission to God
if your teacher tells you to do something, what do you do
what is say yes sir/ma'am and do said activity.
did it destroy the highest proportion of the population in one single known event?
what is yes
what ended medieval times?
what is Christopher Columbus' voyage in 1492
what did the mongols rely on for survival?
what is their animals
how old is Islam?
what is over 1,400 years
if your parental asks about your grades and they are bad, do you lie and say they are good or tell the truth and say you will get them up?
what is tell them the truth and get them up
how many people died during the black death?
what is over 25 million people
life was considered harsh; true or false.
what is true
why did they move their habitat?
what is their search for water and grass for their herds
how many holy books are there?
what is four
if someone is frustrating you, how should you react?
what is ignore it and stay away from them
how long was the plague a pandemic?
what did kings eat?
what is vegetables and meat