What was Mother Jones fighting for?
Child labor rights
There is believed to have been __ Industrial Revolutions.
What is connotation?
The emotional meaning of a word
Who is the current dictator of North Korea?
Kim Jong Un
Which president did Mother Jones write a letter to?
Theodore Roosevelt
What is the Industrial Revolution?
A period of extreme economic and technological advances.
What types of connotation are there?
Positive, negative, and neutral
How did Adolf Hitler die?
Where did Mother Jones march to?
White House (1600 Pennsylvania Ave.)
During the 1st Industrial Revolution, there was another revolution happening, which one was it?
The French Revolution
What type of connotation does the word "disastrously" as opposed to just bad.
Who was the dictator/emperor of France during the French Revolution?
Napoleon Bonaparte
What was Mother Jones real name?
Mary Harris Jones
Which major war happened at the turn of the 20th century, tanking one of the world's most powerful economies?
World War 1
What type of connotation does Mother Jones saying, "I love children" (in a not romantic way) give?
Who was the dictator of 1980's communist Romania?
Nicolae Ceaușescu
What was Mother Jones profession?
What years were the War of 1812?
Did they show, through his actions in the text, that President Roosevelt had a positive or negative connotation toward the children?
There is an estimated __ number of countries under dictators.