what is my biggest regret in life?
being born
what do i laugh at?
what is my least favorite activity?
am i a good public speaker?
absolutely not
what is my favorite type of music
how many schools have i been to since kindergarten?
what is my love language?
in which grade did i spend the most time hiding in the bathroom?
has a teacher ever gotten mad at me for something i said?
am i pretentious
what is the most white male trait i have?
what is the thing i stress out the most about?
what is my worst habit in relation to speaking?
oversharing, making jokes people don't get
who is my role model?
random women on pinterest
what phase of my life do i regret the most?
quirky phase
who is my 3rd favorite shrek character?
true or false: humans are inherently evil
what is the word i use to describe everything?
what is my dream pet?
what is the name of the fantasy trilogy i wrote in 4th grade?
the 4 spirits
how broken is my sense of humor?
brocken ⛓🥀
what do i do when i am sad?
be sad
what is a phrase that sets off my fight or flight instinct?
"crackhead energy," "submissive and breedable," or "uwu senpai"
what is my opinion on the percy jackson/camp half blood saga?
it is the greatest kids' series ever written, greatly outweighing harry potter, the hunger games, and any other frequently affiliated literary works. rick riordan crafts likeable characters, detailed worlds, and intriguing plots in which everyone, including minor characters, has a character arc and introduces minor quests that lead up to a bigger goal that is resolved in the final installment of the series. the 2 spinoff series heroes of olympus and trials of apollo continue this pattern whilst introducing refreshing concepts with diverse and relatable characters.