Nani and Nanu
Big Guppies
Lil Guppies
Jr Jindals

We all know Nani as an encouraging and patient mother to all. However, sometimes Nani will express her small hiccups in life with this renowned sound.

what is OH HOOOOO? (will also accept OHHHHH HOOOOOOO ANA)


Last year Vishaal moved into his shared university dorm with this roommate.

Who is Eric?


As an infamous troublemaker, Shyla is always has some mischievous tricks up her sleeve. In her latest shenanigans, Shyla, and her sidekick Shivi, scared everyone by pretending to have this metabolic disease.

What is diabetes?


An invite to the Gupta household will sure be a treat as you will be welcomed to a feast and delicious refreshments.  However, making too boisterous of an entrance will pawsitively lead to this unpleasant surprise.

What is getting peed on by Hugo?


Kamama has had his fair share of high rise living. This was the floor number of his very first Toronto apartment.

What is 37?


When Nanu calls you into his sanctum of wisdom (the office) you can never be sure what to expect. Golden nuggets of life advice, an ancestral history lesson, or maybe he just wants you to bring him chai. However, not everything is uncertain as you are surely to find this person hollering on his TV.

Who is Jim Cramer?


Rashi, a spiritual soul, is the Jindal family’s first certified yogi. Combining her hobbies of yoga and entrepreneurship she created this yoga mat brand.

What is MyHimalaya©?


Jayden is a captivating singer and actor displaying his talents on the big stage of his elementary school plays. This was the name of the last elementary school play Jayden performed in.

What is Shrek?


Michael is most famously known as a distinguished ENT, but some may know Michael as an expert in seaside architecture. With the assistance of GHV (game host vish), this sandy edifice, created on the picturesque coastline of Cancun, was Michaels debut project.

What is photo?


Rohin, a true automobile fanatic, is always raving about the newest and best cars on the road. This particular car is Rohin's all time favourite.

What is Tesla Roadster?


Nani is adventurous and nature loving, always making plans to go to the beach or go on a trail walk. Among all the activities Nani puts thought and time into planning for us all, one is quite consistent every summer, one where we get to pitch, roast, and even sleep. 

What is camping?


Extremely excited to announce his acceptance into his dream school UCLA, Manaav used these objects to reveal his choice to the family.

What are pool balls?

As a resident of California, Shivi has not taken the year-round beautiful climate for granted. She enjoys hikes by the water, playing tennis at the club, bbqing and brunching with her girls, and golfing with the family. But watch out tennis, a new sport has come to town!

What is pickleball?


From Peppa Pig to Frozen, Tangled to Mira the Detective, Aisha has an exquisite palette for entertainment. As a 7 year old, her taste has moved on to tween villains and rebels, characters that star in her favourite movie to date.

What is Descendents


Karina (street name Kiki) is the jr Jindals newest fashionista. Last year she displayed her avant-garde style in this dress at her first birthday extravaganza.

What is Super fluffy, super pink, lots of rose?


Let’s see if you were paying attention. During Nani and Nanu's 50th anniversary celebration, a slide show played of their beautiful lives. One of the first pictures was Nanu in front of the plane he took from India to Canada. The airline of this plane was painted in huge letters on the fuselage.  

What is Pan American?


Karisha is an admirable mentor with a plethora of knowledge if you are willing to listen closely. This is the name of the podcast Karisha hosts (available on Spotify now).

What is Not An Expert At 20?


Abhay is a lifetime golf extraordinaire who throughout his career has surely experimented with a multitude of different golf brands. This particular sports equipment manufacturing company is the one Abhay swears by.

What is TaylorMade?


Nikhil has had a prosperous soccer career travelling throughout the country to show off his amazing ball handling, shooting and playmaking skills as a midfielder. This is the teamname of Nikhil’s elite soccer club.

What is Burlington Bayhawks?


Devon Jindal has been known to be an avid reader and even helps his classmates in their literary endeavours. This is the scholar's favourite author.

Who is Dave Pilkey? 


Nani and Nanu are experienced explorers who have voyaged across all the lands and throughout the seven seas. This particular city is the furthest from home they have ever been. (Measured from Oakville)

What is Canberra, Australia?


The full name of the Mehta's elementary and high school

What is Academic Ste Cecile International School?


When Shyla and Ronik were little jits they preformed a dance to this song at Nina and Kunaal's wedding.

What is Bumbro?


Going from putting her fists up ready to spar at any moment to competing in the school wide speech contest, Aria has become a pretty cool 6th grader, always ready to make you laugh. She confidently rules the upper grades of Rotherglen, without having to stay on the lookout for noogies from her big bro. BUT SOON, she will walk through these doors that will change everything...

What is Hillfield Strathallan College?


Before their 3 marvellous children, Nina and Kunaal contemplated getting a puppy with this name.

What is Oscar Wellington?
