Problem involving birthdays found from the studies of coincidences and random groupings
Birthday Paradox
Fell in love with a prisoner's wife, died in a duel
Basketball fans not understanding stats
Hot hand fallacy
Scared of poisoning and starved to death when his wife couldnt cook for him
Game show with goats and cars
Monty Hall
Dueled Tartaglia about cubic equations over a steak dinner then got poisioned by his sister or wife
Death in Prussian army due to horses kicking soldiers too hard
Poisson dist
Taught whilst being bombed
Beer quality
Student's T
Control / CS Theorist. Moved from Cambridge to Newton and forgot he had moved, then asked a stranger if they knew where he had moved to, she turned out to be his daughter.
Moved from Cambridge to Newton and forgot he had moved, then asked a stranger if they knew where he had moved to, she turned out to be his daughter