What is a Presentation?
A delivery of information from one person—or a small team of people—to an audience.
What is 35mm Slides?
Photos printed on small pieces of celluloid and mounted in cardboard frames, for use with an analog slide projector.
What is a Template?
A reusable sample data file that serves as the basis for creating new files.
What is Slide Layouts?
Layout templates that define what placeholders a slide should contain and where they should be located.
What is Slide Master?
A template slide that controls the formatting of all other slides in the presentation.
What is a Live Presentation?
A presentation that takes place in real time, with the audience experiencing the presentation at the same time as the speaker is presenting it.
What is Analog Slide Projector?
A slide projector that accepts only 35mm slides, not input from a computer.
What is Slides Pane?
The narrow pane along the left side of the PowerPoint window, containing thumbnail images of each slide.
What is Active Slide?
The slide that appears in the Slide pane in Normal view.
What is Slide Master View?
The PowerPoint view in which you can edit the slide master.
What is a Recorded Presentation?
A presentation that is delivered before the audience sees it.
What is Transparencies?
Transparent sheets of plastic that can be printed on or written on with a dry-erase marker.
What is Slide Pane?
The large editing pane on the right side of the PowerPoint window in Normal view.
What is Promote?
To increase something in importance or level.
What is Aspect Ratio?
The proportion of width to height, especially of a display monitor or graphic image.
What is Presentation Graphics?
Graphic images designed to be displayed to an audience during a presentation.
What is an Overhead Projector?
A non-computerized device that uses light and mirrors to project a small image onto a projection screen in a larger size.
What is Notes Pane?
The pane at the bottom of the PowerPoint window in Normal view, where you can type personal notes about the presentation that the audience will not see.
What is Demote?
To decrease something in importance or level.
What is Metadada?
Data about data, such as the file's author, creation date, and size.
What is Digital Projector?
A projector that accepts input from a computing device.
What is a Keynote?
A free presentation graphics application that comes with macOS and iOS operating systems.
What is Normal View?
A PowerPoint view in which you can edit slide content, consisting of the Slides pane, the Slide pane, and the Notes pane.
What is Font?
A typeface 2) a typeface plus any special attributes applied to the text.
What are Speaker Notes?
What is Slide Show Toolbar?
Private notes about individual slides that you leave for yourself or for others who might use the presentation file.
A toolbar of round buttons that appear when you move the mouse when in Slide Show view.