2 languages of Canada
French and English
Male of a cow
USA president 2009-2017
Barack Hussein Obama II (Obama)
Biggest enemy of Barcelona
Real Madrid
Who painted the last supper?
Leonardo DaVinci
President Mexico 2006-2012
How many years ago did dinosaurs become extinct?
65,000,000 years
Where is the problem in this image
Revolvers do not use magazines
How many hearts does an octopus have?
How many points is a free throw worth in basketball?
1 point
Country with the most oil reserves
Venezuela (300,000,000,000 oil barrels)
How many bones have a baby
Who sculpted the vatican pieta?
What happens if you mix water with sodium?
Tallest building in Chicago
Sears Tower (442mt/1,450ft)
War British empire vs Quing Dinasty
Opium war
Mexico president 1858-1872
Benito Juarez
How many diferents pieces are in tetris?
1st woman in the space
Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova
Oldest person on history
Jeanne Louisce Calment (122 years and 164 days)
Wich is the name of this machine?
Bagger 288/Bagger 225
Km2 of the earth
510,072,000 km2
How many countries are in Asia?
(no Taiwan and palestina)