Name 1 harmful effect Cyberbullying has on bullied kids
Use alcohol and drugs
Skip school
Experience in-person bullying
Perform poorly in school
Have lower self-esteem
Have poorer health
Quitting a gang can be much harder then?
Joining a gang
To control others emotions
They think its funny
To intentionally put someone down
To hurt someone
Why people become cyberbullies
_______ are used in the majority of homicides and suicides.
This is a cyberbullying tactic that includes the public display, posting or forwarding of personal communication, images or video by the cyberbully that is personal and private to the target child. Exposure becomes even more detrimental to the target child when the communications posted and displayed publicly contains sensitive personal information or images and video that are sexual in nature. As mobile device technology, images and video becomes more commonplace, the tactic of Exposure is certain to become prevalent.
What areas are gangs in?
Gangs are in urban, suburban and rural areas
a national teen dating abuse helpline dedicated to ensuring not only the safety of teens in dating relationships but also making sure that teens are educated on the issue surrounding dating abuse/violence.
Love is Respect
This is a cyberbullying tactic describing when a cyberbully creates a blog with the target person being the central subject and topic of blog posts.
A new type of cyberbullying that integrates the rapid increase of online videos with classic bullying. This occurs when a target child or unsuspecting victim is physically attacked or embarrassed in person and then an accomplice video records or takes pictures of the incident. The image or video is then posted online at video and social networking sites for public use. With the widespread growth of mobile device technology, Happy Slapping is a cyberbullying tactic likely to grow.
Happy Slapping
having Poor behavioral control is?
a risk factors of youth violence
_____ _____ destroys your self-esteem, making it feel impossible to start fresh.
Emotional abuse
communicating physical threats against the target person or anyone the target person is dependent upon in their daily lives.
a cyberbullying tactic that describes the sending of hurtful messages to a target child that is worded in a severe, persistent or pervasive manner. When persistent and disparaging, Cyber Harassment can cause the targeted person significant distress and undue worry. These threatening messages are hurtful, frequent and very dangerous.
Cyber Harassment
________ or mean comments that focus on things like a person's gender, religion, sexual orientation, race, or physical differences fall into this category.
Name one reason how violence affects our community
Taxpayers must pay for law enforcement, courts and prisons.
People avoid certain neighborhoods.
People are afraid to go out at night.
Spend money on security locks, alarms and surveillance cameras.
This tends to be mild cyberbullying or gossip that was not thought to be shared on a social or a “flame war” that terminates after a few messages. Most child and adolescent online users are perceptive about telling each other to refrain and will block a user or open a new account when necessary. Some children engaged in Cyber Drama can be psychologically affected due to their negative perception of the data being passed around.
Cyber Drama
This is a cyberbullying tactic that is highly effective and directly targets a child’s developmental need to feel accepted and part of a social construct. Social exclusion occurs by indirectly sending a harmful message to the target child that they are not included in social activities without the need for verbal deprecation. As it is well-known children and teens are developmentally fixated being recognized by their peers; the process of designating who is a member of the peer group and who is not included can be devastating to the target child.
Nearly __% of young women who have been raped knew their rapist; the perpetrator was or had been a boyfriend, friend, or casual acquaintance.
It costs about _ ______ dollars a year to treat injuries that result from violence.
6 Billion