
If  (e  +  2)/e = 55/53, what is the value of e?

a. 52

b. 53

c. 55

d. 106

e. 110



There are so many ways in utilizing Facebook to develop connections with social media users.

a. no change

b. helping Facebook to utilize

c. in which you can utilize Facebook

d. Facebook is utilized by you

c. in which you can utilize Facebook


This organelle is the site of d-aminolevulinic acid creation during porphyrin synthesis, and twenty percent of the lipids present here are cardiolipin. This organelle obtains reducing equivalents via the malate-aspartate shuttle to carry out one of its most important processes, and the TOM and TIM complexes are found in its inner membrane. Mitchell showed that one important function of this organelle occurs through a (*) chemiosmotic mechanism. Surrounded by a double membrane, its central matrix is the site where acetyl-CoA is produced before the other steps of oxidative phosphorylation, including the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain. Name this organelle, the primary site of ATP production.

a. ribosomes

b. chloroplast

c. mitochondria

d. smooth endoplasmic reticulum

c. mitochondria 


Which celebrity just entered a DWI case?

a. Justin Timberlake

b. Mathew Stafford

c. P Diddy

d. Megan Thee Stallion

a. Justin Timberlake


What is Leah's senior project (that she slaves over because of this stupid school..)

a. knitting

b. knife making

c. painting

d. cooking

c. painting


If the average of 2u and v is equal to 50% of 10v, what is the value of  uv ?



Every business will connect with their target audience and their customers in different ways, but there are a few guidelines you can take advantage of if you are a business that is just beginning out on social media.

a. no change 

b. there are a few guidelines whose advantage you can take of

c. a few guidelines' advantage can be taken by you

d. there is an advantage you can take of a few guidelines

a. no change 


It was first proposed by Francis Guthrie in 1852, and incorrectly proved by Alfred Kempe in 1879, who erroneously asserted that any normal map contained some region with fewer than six adjacent regions. The correct 1979 proof uses Heesch’s discharching method to find an unavoidable set of reducible configura-tions, which had to be analyzed using a computer program. The Heawood conjecture informed its proof by giving an upper bound for, which was wrong for the Klein bottle. What theorem proved by Wolfgang Haken and Kenneth Appel says that all maps of contiguous regions are colorable by certain number of colors?

a. color relativity theory

b. four-color theorem

c. original color theory

b. four color theorem


In which country are wild fires raging and destroying cities?

a. Bolivia

b. Mexico

c. Australia

d. palestine

a. bolivia 


What is Leah's favorite brand of shoes?

a. vans

b. nike

c. converse

d. adidas

c. converse


x² + y² = 153
y = −4x

If (x, y) is a solution to the system of equations above, what is the value of x²?

a. -51

b. 3

c. 9

d. 144



Some might believe that social media is a bit wieldy when it comes to establishing and nurturing relationships with clients.

a. no change 

b. formal

c. impersonal

d. complex

c. impersonal


One ruler of this kingdom went mad and shot arrows from the roof of his palace at the populace, leading to an uprising. This kingdom was made up of its namesake Twelve Doors, and it was originally ruled by the Great Assembly, or Gbara. Kanou built this empire's University at Sankore, and this empire was founded when Sundiata Keita defeated Soumaoro at the Battle of Kirina. One of its rulers crashed the Middle Eastern gold market during his famous hajj. Name this empire ruled by Mansa Musa with its capital at Timbuktu.

a. malian empire

b. mongol empire

c. isfahan

d. france 

a. malian empire


what country's election just ended sept 21?

a. botswana

b. são Tomé and Príncipe

c. tanzania

d. algeria

d. algeria


What is Leah's favorite color?

a. pear green

b. fern green

c. seaweed green

d. basil green

b. fern green


A researcher wanted to know if there is an association between exercise and sleep for the population of 16-year-olds in the United States. She obtained survey responses from a random sample of 2000 United States 16-year-olds and found convincing evidence of a positive association between exercise and sleep. Which of the following conclusions is well supported by the data?

a. There is a positive association between exercise and sleep for 16-year-olds in the United States.

b. There is a positive association between exercise and sleep for 16-year-olds in the world.

c.  Using exercise and sleep as defined by the study, an increase in sleep is caused by an increase of exercise for 16-year-olds in the United States.

d. Using exercise and sleep as defined by the study, an increase in sleep is caused by an increase of exercise for 16-year-olds in the world.

There is a positive association between exercise and sleep for 16-year-olds in the United States.


Every business will connect with their target audience and their customers in different ways, but there are a few guidelines you can take advantage of if you are a business that is just beginning out on social media.

a. no change

b. starting out

c. looking out

d. testing out

b. starting out


In this work, Aunt Alexandra lives at the Landing before moving in with the narrator, who she always calls Jean Louise. That narrator finds gum and pennies hidden in a tree. In this novel, Tom Robinson's rape trial causes (*) Bob Ewell to attack Jem and Scout, who are saved by Boo Radley. This work depicts race relations in Maycomb, Alabama, and concerns the lawyer Atticus Finch. Name this work by Harper Lee.

a. the invisible man

b. the adventures of huckleberry fin

c. the catcher in the rye

d. to kill a mockingbird

d. to kill a mockingbird


Where is Van der Hoeven (a Dutch engineer) attempting to turn a huge stretch of inhospitable desert into green, fertile land teeming with wildlife.

a. congo

b. nigeria

c. south sudan

d. egypt

d. egypt


If you were serving 20 years in prison, but you had the option of eating an entire 80inx36in oak door in order to get out of the sentence when you were done eating it, would you eat the door or serve the whole 20 years? 

(you have no tools because you're in prison, you just have normal prison stuff)

I just want a good reason either way.


If g – 2h = -5, h = i + 3 and i = 4, What is the value of g?

a. -9

b. -7

c. -2

d. -1

e. 9

e. 9


Regularly posting news and updates in the groups and opening up the group for members of it to communicate as they please.

a. no change

b. Post regularly news, updates in the groups, and open up the group for members of it to communicate as they please.

c. Regularly posting news and updates in the groups and open up the group for members of it to communicate as they please.

d. Regularly post news and updates in the groups and open up the group for members of it to communicate as they please.

d. Regularly post news and updates in the groups and open up the group for members of it to communicate as they please.


An act granting this passed Congress in 1973.  This power has periodically been abrogated by Congress, such as when it prohibited funding for the Health Care Benefits Expansion Act of 1992. This was the political object of The Prostrate State, which decried the government of South Carolina, and as part of the negotiations following the 1876 election, one Abbeville newspaper editorialized “It matters little to us who rules in Washington, if South Carolina is allowed to have Hampton and [this].” This was also the aim of a movement to repeal the Act of Union of 1800 and re-establish a parliament separate from that in Westminster, a movement associated with Charles Stewart Parnell. What is this political concept, referring to the right of a subordinate jurisdiction to govern itself, championed on behalf of Ireland by William E. Gladstone?

a. philippine organic act (basic law of the insular government)

b. home rule (prostrate state) (district of columbia home rule"

c. aldrich–vreeland act

d. government of the north-west territory provided for

b. home rule (prostrate state) (district of columbia home rule"


What is the name of the virtual reality goggles that apple released?

apple vision pro


What is Leah's favorite band/artist of all time ever?

a. nirvana

b. pepper

c. john mayer

d. 311

b. pepper
