Language Arts
Social Studies/History

Identify the adverb in: “Soon she will play the piano for the concert.”

What is Soon


This is Einstein's equation that says mass is interchangeable with energy

What is E=mc2


This is the Quadratic Formula

x = (-b +-SQRT(b2-4ac))/2a


Potatoes were domesticated on this continent

What is South America


The "four in hand" necktie may be tied in these three ways

What is Windsor, half-Windsor, and Four-in-Hand knot


This is a form of reasoning in which two statements are made and a conclusion is drawn from them.

What is Syllogism


This happens in plants when light reactions produce NADPH and ATP while the Calvin cycle produces sugar.

What is Photosynthesis


Solve x2-5x+4 using the Quadratic Equation

What is x=4, x=1


This was the first permanent English settlement in the New World

What is Jamestown (or Jameston Colony)


These are NJROTC's Core Values

What is Honor, Courage, Commitment


This is the suffix that means “capable of”

What is “-able”


This is the first synthetic plastic that could be molded into shape

What is Celluloid


This is the Cubic Formula

What is ax3+bx2+cx+d


Who was the head of Adolf Hitler’s gestapo?

A) Adolf Eichmann

B) Francis Goebbels

C) Heinrich Himmler

D) Wolfgang Puck

E) Anyone who says Josiah has Batman Juice

Charlie: Heinrich Himmler


This is a proper reporting in statement, otherwise your last name in phonetic alphabet

Good morning (sir/ma'am), cadet (rank) (last name) (last name in phonetics) is prepared for inspection (sir/ma'am)


This word means “an oversupply, glut, or excess of” …

What is Plethora


This is the wavelength of a 5Hz (frequency) wave that travels with a speed (Velocity) of 10m/s

What is 2m (f=V/lambda)


These two taxes makeup the Federal Income Contributions Act (FICA) tax

What are Social Security (6.2%) and Medicare (1.45%) taxes


This Union General ran on the Democratic ticket against Abraham Lincoln in 1864

Who is General George McClellan


A Life in Traffic

A subway system is expanded to provide service to a growing suburb. A bike-sharing program is adopted to encourage nonmotorized transportation. (1) To alleviate rush hour traffic jams in a congested downtown area, stoplight timing is coordinated. When any one of these changes occur, it is likely the result of careful analysis conducted by transportation planners.

Select an Answer

Go to the referred part in the passage

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph? 


B. Coordinating stoplight timing can help alleviate rush hour traffic jams in a congested downtown area.

C. Stoplight timing is coordinated to alleviate rush hour traffic jams in a congested downtown area.

D. In a congested downtown area, stoplight timing is coordinated to alleviate rush hour traffic jams.

Charlie is the best fitting answer because it most closely maintains the sentence pattern established by the two preceding sentences, which begin with a noun and passive verb phrase (“A subway system is expanded,” “A bike-sharing program is adopted”).


This alloy is made up of tin with antimony, copper, and lead

What is Pewter


This shape has angles that are 30, 60 and 90 degrees

What is a Special Right Triangle (or Right-Angled Triangle)


Which statement best characterizes power relations among the centers of Eurasian civilizations as they approached the year 1450?

a. Islamic caliphates are reaching the height of their power and influence
b. Ming rulers of China have redoubled their efforts to move to the center of maritime trading networks in the East Asian and Indian Ocean
c. A power vacuum of sorts has opened, as Byzantine, Abbasid, and Ming Chinese powers become less of a force in global affairs
d. Western Europe dominates world trade
e. South and East Asia are no longer important sources of luxury items in long-distance trade networks and become increasingly isolated

c. A power vacuum of sorts has opened, as Byzantine, Abbasid, and Ming Chinese powers become less of a force in global affairs

Charlie: A power vacuum of sorts has opened, as Byzantine, Abbasid, and Ming Chinese powers become less of a force in global affairs


These are key elements for wearing the uniform

Neatness, cleanliness, safety, and image
