
In Winning ColorsĀ®, those who like sharing ideas and feelings, who work well in teams, and who are social and love to talk are known as ____________.

A) Relaters
B) Planners
C) Builders
D) Adventurous

A) Relaters


You are the Commander-in-Chief (CINC) of our Armed Forces in one of the nine geographical areas of the world. You have identified an enemy threat, developed a plan to combat that threat, and organized your forces to execute your plan. Even though you haven't received permission to attack from the Department of Defense, your intelligence (which is about 97% sure) indicates that the best time to execute your plan is now. What prevents you from proceeding with your plan?

a. you have not received permission from the responsible civilian official who has the authority to make that decision.

b. the laws of war that require decisions to be made with morality in mind

c. you do not have the authority to execute this plan in the first place

a. You have not received permission from the responsible civilian official who has the authority to make that decision.


What is introspection

A - Giving feedback to others to help them learn

B - Communicating your learning preferences to others

C - Self-examination for the purpose of a deeper self-understanding

D - Examining the actions of others to gain self insight

C - Self-examination for the purpose of a deeper self-understanding


In the U.S., who has the power to raise and support armies and to declare war?

a. senate

b. executive branch

c. congress

d. supreme court

c. congress


What is Leah's middle name?

a. Judith

b. Brynn

c. Wynona

d. Celeste

d. Celeste


What branches are in the category Combat Arms?

a. infantry, armor, field artillery, air defense artillery, aviation, and corps of engineers

b. infantry, chemical corps, field artillery, special forces officer, aviation, and corps of engineers

c. signal corps, chaplain, field artillery, ordnance corps, aviation, and corps of engineers

d. military intelligence corps, armor, field artillery, military police corps, aviation, cyber

a. infantry, armor, field artillery, air defense artillery, aviation, and corps of engineers


Robert purposefully assigns tasks according to his Cadets' weaknesses. Ashley assigns them according to her Cadets' strengths. Ashley's squad gets more recognition for accomplishing their tasks successfully, but Cadets in Robert's squad usually get promoted to positions that require more responsibility.

Which answer best explains why this occurs?

A) Robert knows that his Cadets will get more consideration for promotions later because Ashley's Cadet get more recognition now.

B) Ashley's Cadets are probably more satisfied with their current positions and don't want the promotions.

C) Since the other squad gets more recognition, Robert's Cadets probably feel "picked on," so they try harder for promotions than Ashley's Cadets.

D) Robert forces his Cadets out of their comfort zones, which forces them to develop and grow in new areas, and prepares them to handle different situations.

D) Robert forces his Cadets out of their comfort zones, which forces them to develop and grow in new areas, and prepares them to handle different situations.


Large scale or global planning and conduct of military strategy, movements, and/or operations essential to the effective conduct of war is called ___________

a. foresight

b. strategic planning

c. plan of action

d. military intelligence

b. strategic planning


What are private domains?

a. areas of human affairs placed off limits to unreasonable government interference

b. plots of land that are private and not open to the public

c. rights to privacy that every american citizen has

a. areas of human affairs placed off limits to unreasonable government interference


How many cats does Leah have?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

b. 2


What are the four determinants that impact self-esteem and success?

A) needs, resources, popularity, and maturity

B) builder, planner, adventurer, and relater

C) connections, resources, power, and models

D) goal setting, respect, popularity, and models

C) connections, resources, power, and models


You asked three friends to give you feedback on your behavior and tendencies. They all said that you were too polite, even to strangers. One complimented you on it, one said it wasn't really necessary, and the third kind of mocked you and said it was a weakness. You accept the fact that you're polite, but aren't sure if it's a good or bad thing.

Which answer best describes what you should do?

A) Accept the opinion from the friend whose judgment you trust the most.

B) Accept all of the opinions, but make your own judgment about whether it is a good or bad behavior.

C) Dismiss all of the opinions because none of the three agree.

D) Try to be rude to everyone for a while, then ask the three whether that is good or bad behavior.

B) Accept all of the opinions, but make your own judgment about whether it is a good or bad behavior.


Define Assessment

A - The act of evaluating or appraising a person's ability or potential to meet certain standards or criteria

B - Judging your peers weaknesses

C - Giving a test

D - Watching a drill movement

A - The act of evaluating or appraising a person's ability or potential to meet certain standards or criteria


What is the mission of the Department of Defense?

a. to provide education and training to soldiers in order to accomplish a mission

b. to provide the military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of the United States

c. adhere to and identify with a public code of professional value

d. protection of our nation and the advancement of its ideals

b. to provide the military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of the United States


Where was Leah born?

a. connecticut

b. kentucky

c. lousiana

d. michigan

a. connecticut


Name two components of the reserves.

a. army officers and pilots

b. corps of civillians and army national guard

c. the army reserve and coast gaurd

d. army national guard and the army reserve

d. army national guard and the army reserve


Since you trust their judgment, you asked several of your friends what they thought were your strengths and weaknesses. When they did, you liked getting feedback on your strengths, but you argued with them when they listed your weaknesses, even when they gave you examples. Now, you and your friends are mad at each other.

What should you do to work things out with your friends and improve your weaknesses?

A) Tell them that they're probably right, and develop a plan to improve your weaknesses.

B) Tell them that they're wrong, but that you can still be friends.

C) Give them feedback on their weaknesses, and ask them again for feedback on your weaknesses.

D) Focus on improving the areas they pointed out as your strengths.

A) Tell them that they're probably right, and develop a plan to improve your weaknesses.


Define "chain of command."

A) Number of immediate subordinates under one's control.

B) The succession of leaders through which authority passes down the ranks.

C) The pyramid of authority.

D) The rank or grade held by a Cadet JROTC member.

B) The succession of leaders through which authority passes down the ranks.


What is a writ of habeas corpus and what act and year was it established in?

a. orders the government to deliver a person it has arrested to a court of law and explain why that person has been arrested and held. Established in the Habeas Corpus Act of 1934

b.orders the government to deliver a person it has arrested to a court of law and explain why that person has been arrested and held. Established in the Habeas Corpus Act of 1765

c. orders the government to deliver a person it has arrested to a court of law and explain why that person has been arrested and held. Established in the Habeas Corpus Act of 1678

c. orders the government to deliver a person it has arrested to a court of law and explain why that person has been arrested and held. Established in the Habeas Corpus Act of 1678


What is Leah's favorite song right now?

a. "Can't Stop" - Red Hot Chili Peppers

b. "Karma Police" - Radiohead

c. "Run Away" - LIVE

d. "The Adults Are Talking" - The Strokes

c. "Run Away" - LIVE


Choose builder, planner, adventurer, or relater for each of the answers to this question.

When I communicate, I am most likely to:

A) Want to be taken seriously and focus on the thinking behind the talk
B) Take a bottom-line approach and focus on the results
C) Want people to connect with me and be friendly
D) Take a light-hearted approach and focus on fun

a. planner

b. builder

c. relater

d. adventurer


Kelly was usually a very quiet and reserved person who never got into trouble. After a class on determining behavioral preferences, Kelly displayed some aggressive behavior that was a little disrespectful to her JROTC Instructor. Normally, the Instructor would have disciplined her, but this time she just smiled and said, "Good, but next time, you don't have to be so aggressive."

Which answer best describes why the Instructor didn't discipline Kelly?

A) The Instructor was probably reinforcing Kelly's attempt to develop other behaviors.

B) The Instructor was trying to stop her aggressive behavior so she would stay quiet and reserved.

C) The Instructor just made a mistake by not disciplining her.

D) The Instructor probably didn't want to get her in trouble.

A) The Instructor was probably reinforcing Kelly's attempt to develop other behaviors.


Define selfless service.

a. The willingness to put the welfare of others first.

b. The willingness to listen closely to others.

c. The willingness to focus on service to the military, school, or team.

d. The willingness to adhere to a public code of professional values.

a. The willingness to put the welfare of others first.


What is the 27th amendment and what year was it ratified?

a. grants Congress the authority to issue an income tax without having to determine it based on population: Ratified: 1913

b. Extending the Vote to the District of Columbia: Ratified: 1961

c. the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Ratified: 1791

d. prohibits any law that increases or decreases the salary of members of Congress from taking effect until the start of the next set of terms of office for Representatives. Ratified: 1992

d. prohibits any law that increases or decreases the salary of members of Congress from taking effect until the start of the next set of terms of office for Representatives. Ratified: 1992


What is Leah's zodiac sign?

a. scorpio

b. leo

c. aquarius

d. gemini

c. aquarius
