Text Structures
Mystery ?s

What is the definition of conflict?

A conflict is a problem. The main character in a story faces at least one conflict.


What does it mean to compare and contrast two things?

Comparing explains how things are similar or the same. Contrasting explains how things are different.


Chloe's mom, Tori, comes to all of Chloe's basketball games. Tori always cheers for Chloe and even has a lucky pom-pom that she waves at the games.

What can you infer about the type of mom that Tori is?

We can infer that Tori is a supportive and proud mom.


How is a heading different than a title?

A title states what an entire article or book is about and a heading tells us what one section of the article or book is about.


What is a simile?

A simile is a type of figurative language that compares two different things, using the words "like" or "as".


Does the resolution of a story occur in the beginning, middle, or end of it?

The resolution of a story occurs at the end of it.


Name this text structure: If Carson does all of his chores, then he will get his allowance.

A. Compare/Contrast

B. Sequence

C. Cause and Effect

C. Cause and Effect


Jimmy saw his elderly neighbor struggling to carry her groceries into the house. Jimmy walked over to her and offered to carry her bags inside. He helped her put the food into the refrigerator and even carried some heavy items upstairs for her.

What can we infer about Jimmy's character traits?

Jimmy is considerate, thoughtful, and helpful. He is polite and caring. 


There is a book called: Fruit

What would be a good heading in the book?

A. Vegetables

B. Berries

C. Cheese

B. Berries


What is a synonym of the word big?

Possible synonyms: large, huge, enormous, massive


What is the word for the most emotional or intense part of a story? (Hint: it is where a turning point occurs)

The climax


What is chronological order?

Chronological order is when events are put in order according to time (such as by dates or years).


Kody slammed shut his math book and let out an, "ugh". What can we infer about Kody's feelings?

A. He is happy to be done with his math homework.

B. He is going to start working on his science project.

C. He is annoyed with his math work.



There is an article in a magazine about music. Which headings might be included in the article?

A. Instruments

B. Art

C. Famous Singers

A. and C.


What is the meaning of the word crane in the following sentence?  The large crane blocked our view of the city for months.

A. A tall bird

B. A large machine that lifts objects



What happens in the introduction (or exposition) of a story?

In the introduction, we meet some of the characters and learn about the setting of the story.


What is this text structure? 

The clothing industry is a major contributor to waste. A lot of natural resources are needed to manufacture clothes. Landfills contain massive amounts of clothing that have been thrown away. Passing down clothes to younger siblings or buying used clothing are two of the many ways to help solve this problem.

Problem and Solution


Liam smiled when his teacher handed him back his graded test. Ronnie put his head on his desk when he received his test back. What can you infer from this information?

A. Ronnie did well on his test.

B. Liam did not do well on his test.

C. Liam did well on his test.



What could be a possible heading in a book titled: Animals?

What did you come up with?


Summarize what you did over the weekend, in chronological order.

Did you give a brief explanation of what you did this weekend, in the order that things happened?

Name the five parts of plot in order.

Introduction/Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution


Compare and contrast ice cream and cake.

Did you come up with how these items are the same and how they are different?


Patty saw people carrying wrapped packages into her neighbor's apartment. Later, she could hear people scream, "surprise". Patty heard music being played that afternoon. What might Patty infer is happening?

A. There is a party at her neighbor's apartment.

B. Her neighbor is moving.

C. Her neighbor is selfish.



What would be a good heading for this paragraph?

Gum, caramel, and other sticky items should be avoided when you have braces. Peanuts and popcorn are also problem foods, because they can easily get stuck in braces. It's recommended to eat soft foods after getting your braces tightened, because your teeth might be sore.

Possible headings: Eating with Braces, Food and Braces, Advice for Eating with Braces


Miguel called me during dinner. I asked if I could call him back, but he said it was urgent.

What does urgent mean in that sentence?

A. A situation requiring immediate attention

B. A situation that isn't very important

C. A situation that nobody cares about.

