What are your strengths?
Examples: hard worker, problem solver, team player, quick learner, etc.
What should you wear to an interview?
Professional attire - no jeans, t-shirts, clothes that do not fit
Is it ok to use slang words in an interview?
What is a common part-time job for high school students?
Retails stores or fast food restaurants
What was Mrs. Doyle's job in high school?
What are your weaknesses?
I tend to take on too much responsibility but I am learning to delegate or say no.
Why is it important to arrive on time for the interview?
It shows time management, responsibility and respect.
What is a question you should not ask first thing at an interview?
How much money you will be making
Why are internships important for high school students?
It provides students with real life experience and a opportunity to explore different areas of interest.
What was Mrs. Smith's job in high school?
Casual Corner at the mall.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself at a community college, getting a nursing degree, and owning a home in the area.
I see myself at a trade school to be an electrician and obtaining a job at my dad's company.
I see myself joining the Army and traveling the world.
What should you do at the end of an interview?
Thank the interviewer for their time and express and interest in the position.
If you cannot make the interview what is one thing you should not do?
Not call and let them know you cannot make it
What is the typical pay for a high school job?
Minimum wage to $15
What was Ms. Dunholter's job in high school?
Independent Dairy Icecream scooping icecream and making waffle cones.
What question could you ask the interviewer to show your interest in the job?
What would a typical day look like in this role?
What would be my major responsibilities?
How can you prepare for common interview questions?
Research interview questions and practice your answers with a friend or family member.
When filling out a job application you should not?
Have spelling errors or write them in pencil
How can a high school job help with a college application?
It demonstrates responsibility and work ethic.
Which person filled out their first resume on a note card?
Ms. Dunholter, babysitting job, put in the neighbors mailboxes
Tell me a time that you faced a challenge at school or work and how you handled it?
Give an example of a challenge with a positive outcome
Why is body language (eye contact, sitting up straight, facing the interviewer, etc.) important in an interview?
It shows confidence and that you are engaged in the conversation.
Don't talk bad about your previous ______?
What is the benefit of working during high school?
Teaches responsibility, time management, budgeting money
Dolly Parton sang a song about working. What was the name of the song?
Working 9 to 5