The yearly salary of an average Michigan teacher. (Within 5,000)
What is $58,492?
The corporate act of preventing organization of labour is often called ______________
What is Union Busting?
This form of labour is often overlooked and framed as "feminine" or "tedious".
What is Domestic Labour?
Labour paid at an hourly rate
What is waged labour?
Describe Striking
The list of benefits received by Resident Assistants at WMU
What is a housing and food scholarship along with a $500 stipend?
This is the goal of a union
What is the maintenance and improvement of working conditions and wages?
On average black women make this much money per dollar made by white men
What is 66 cents?
Labour paid at a set amount per time period
What is salaried labour?
In 2022 this coffee chain was accused of union busting and other illegal retaliation against their workers
What is Starbucks?
The salary of the president of the U.S.A.
What is $400,000?
Widely publicized, the most recent strikes located in LA focused on this topic
What is the implementation of AI in script writing and the production of entertainment media?
The Global North is said to exploit the Global South by this famous theorist
Who is Karl Marx?
Labour that involves raising children and domestic work
What is reproductive labour?
Name two industries that were heavily affected by striking from 1900 - present day
What is the postal, railroad, coal, steel, textile, or mining industries?
The average yearly income of Michigan residents (Within $1,000)
What is $63,856?
This Union is currently engaged in strikes involving voice acting and Artificial Intelligence.
What is SAG-AFTRA?
These types of camps are the sources of many resources we use right now, such as the cotton in our clothing
What are forced labour camps?
This is the title for the working class as named by Marx
What is the Proletariat?
The title for workers hired to do labour during active strikes
What is Scabs?
President Montgomery's salary as of December 2024 (Within $10,000)
What is $522,061?
This union is currently in negotiation with Western Michigan University
What is the WMU-AAUP? or What is the Western Michigan University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors?
The cobalt necessary for many batteries and devices is unethically mined and sourced from this country
What is the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
This is the title for the ruling class as named by Marx
What is the Bourgeoisie?
This is the full title of SAG-AFTRA
What is the Screen Actors Guild and American Federation of Television and Radio Artists?