This is the ideal length of a resume.
What is one-two pages?
When sitting at the table what do you do with your napkin?
What is place it in your lap?
What color of ink should be used to fill out an application?
What is black ink?
What should you avoid wearing to a job interview?
What is jeans, shorts, flip-flops, tennis shoes, bright/loud patterns, too much jewelry, makeup perfume?
What should you do when you meet the person interviewing you?
What is Greet them, Introduce yourself, shake hands and eye contact?
The words used in the job posting and should be referenced on the resume.
What are buzzwords?
What is the minimum amount you should tip?
What is 15%?
Use this for questions that do not apply.
What is NA?
How much notice should be given when leaving a job?
What is follow2 weeks?
What should you do before an interview?
What is research the company/Do a drive by?
In what order should your previous jobs be listed?
What is reverse chronological?
Which side are the glasses on in a place setting?
What is right?
What should you put for salary/wage?
What is Open or Negotiable?
Continuous education for professionals. Ex: Seminars, workshops, and certifications
What is professional development?
What should you take to an interview?
What is resume, ID, Social Security Card?
Who should you list as references on your resume?
What are teachers, counselors, administrators, former boss/coworkers, coaches, and youth ministers?
What acronym is used to remember proper silverware placement in a place setting?
You should avoid using these on a job application
What are abbreviations?
What should men wear to a job interview at a company whose dress code is professional dress?
What is a suit, tie, and dress shirt?
When should you arrive at the business where you are interviewing?
What is at least 10-15 minutes before the interview?
What should you put in the reference section of the resume?
What is available upon request?
What is the first piece of silverware on the left-hand side of the place setting?
What is the salad fork?
What is the purpose of the job application?
What is to see if the applicant is a good fit for the job?
You should have a minimum of ___ references on your resume.
What is 3?
What should you do after you have left the interview?
What is send a follow-up letter?