Professional Workplace Protocol
Phone and Voicemail
Email Etiquette

This percentage of employment is gained through networking and other personal connections outside of an interview setting

What is 75% of employment


The legal amount of time a full-time salary worker in NYC is required to have for a lunch period is

What is 30 minutes


A potential employer expects a response to a voicemail within this amount of time

24 hours


A professional email response time is...

What is 24-48 hours


One should not schedule an appointment without this

What is a calendar or planner


These are three people that can be utilized to network with in this coming week

Who are a job coach, internship supervisor, corporate day volunteers, workshop volunteers, First Step Staff, online platforms such as LinkedIn


These two things are most important for employers when looking to fill a position within a company

What are reliability and consistency


This is an appropriate ringtone for a professional setting

What is silent or vibrate


True or False: When responding to an email that has been sent to you, you should compose a new message. 

What is FALSE

The reply or reply all function helps to keep track of whole conversations and prevents email clutter


The difference between a priority and an emergency is

What is a the amount of time available to plan and nature of result if the item isn't attended to immediately. An emergency requires immediate action and the expectation is that you communicate when able. A priority is a task that is important and can be planned, taking into account the employers needs.


True or False: Once you gain employment, networking is no longer important


Maintaining contact with your network is crucial to growing and security. 


The difference between salary based careers and hourly type employment opportunities is what when considering expectations?

What is in hourly employment you clock in and clock out on a particular schedule, in a salary position you typically are responsible for holding yourself accountable and managing your time to meet employers needs and are expected to be flexible.


List three elements that should be included when recording a voicemail

What are name, greeting, request for callers name and contact information


BCC is typically used for this

What is sending out blast emails without sharing contacts with everyone,  to pass on sensitive information with out the initial recipient knowing 


The most important thing to schedule time for when scheduling an off-site appointment is...

Adequate travel time


These are three different networks that are important to maintain contact with both through the job search process and after

Who are First Step, Internship supervisors, First Step Colleagues, past employers, job coaches, family/ friends 


These are two things that should not be disclosed during an interview or professional meeting setting

What are...

age, marital/ relationship status, children, personal issues or drama


When answering your personal phone calls this is an appropriate greeting

What is "Hello", "This is [name]", "[Name] speaking"


It is appropriate to CC someone on an email to do this

What is connect two contacts, keep someone (TO WHOM THE INFORMATION PERTAINS TO) updated. 


What standard amount of buffer-time should one leave when scheduling appointments?

What is a least 15 minutes


Who should you be networking with and when?

What is Everyone...ALL THE TIME!


When calling out of work sick, this information should be shared with employer

What is a brief description of the situation excluding unnecessary details , a plan, and statement letting employer know that you will follow-up


True or False it is necessary to set up your Voicemail with a personal recorded message

What is True


List all of the elements that should be included in a professional email

What are subject, greeting, concise introduction introducing topic or question, body including information or question, sign-off, and signature 


You recently began working full-time as an administrative assistant at a prestigious law firm. You receive a call from your child's doctor stating that you need to schedule a follow-up appointment to get results after a check-up that the had last week and that the next appointment is on Thursday at 11am.  As an employee your next step should be what

What is ask about afterhour or weekend appointments


What is let them know that you have to check your schedule and discuss the best time to schedule with your supervisor
