Can I take something to eat or drink into the interview?
NO. Do no t chew gum either
Should I fill out a job application in pencil?
No, you should fill out a job application in ink. If you are filling our an application on line use calabri font 11-12 inch and black ink.
There are many different t ways of finding out about a job. Name one way.
Help wanted ads, job service office, word of mouth. , On line job searches such as : Monster, INdeed, Zip Recruiter ....
How is filling out a job application on line different than on paper or in person.
When you fill our an application on line the business may ask you to attach references and your resume.
When filling one out in person take those items with you.
Is facial hair allowed?
Men should be clean shaven. If you do have facial hair make sure it is trimmed and clean
Should I shake the interviewers hand?
Yes, always shake the interviewers hand. Do this firmly while you look at the interviewer and smile.
During covid give eye contact, stand up straight. Offer your hand for a hand shake if interviewer declines then just nod your head and sit down AFTER the interviewer sits or first if he/she suggests such.
Should I apply for jobs that ask for qualifications that I do not have?
Is it ok to look away from the interviewer ?
No you should ALWAYS maintain eye contact. Or at least look towards the interviewer.
I have a hard time remembering job application information what can I do?
To make filling out applications easier, it is helpful to carry a wallet resume at all times so important information doesn't have to be remembered.
Where are help wanted ads usually found?
In the newspaper, on line, store fronts, etc.
Name three things you should do while getting ready for an interview (hygiene)?
Put on deodorant, brush your teeth, clean short finger nails, bathe, brush and fix hair, little or no perfume, clean ears.
Should I take a resume with me to a job interview?
Yes, you should always take a resume with you to a job interview.
What should I do at the end of an interview?
You should stand and say thank you to the interviewer and shake his or her hand.
When you return home send either an email, or call thanking them for the interview. DO NOT TEXT
Should I let people know I would like to use them for a reference?
YES. tell them before filling out any applications.
Fill in the blank. A high school __________ is required for many jobs?
Diploma or GED