What are interview appropriate clothes?
Dress shirt, slacks, dress pants, clean shoes, clean socks, tuck your shirt in.
What is a resume?
A resume is a piece of paper with important information about a person including work experience, strengths, education, and contact information.
If your interview starts at 9 AM what time should you arrive?
8:45 or 8:50 AM. At least 10-15 minutes early.
There are many different ways of finding out about a job. Name one way.
Help wanted signs, word of mouth, online.
Is it okay to lie or exaggerate on your application?
No! Make sure you answer questions on an application honestly.
An job description says you must be 21 years of age to work, and you are only 18 should you apply?
No, companies have strict guidelines, so you should keep searching for a job that fits your qualifications.
Should I shake the interviewers hand?
Yes, always shake the interviewers hand. Do this firmly while you look at the interviewer and smile.
Who are some good references to use on a resume?
References may include; coaches, community members, former teachers, former employers, individuals you volunteered for. Never use a parent or family member.
If my interview is at 10:30 AM what time should I arrive?
Between 10:15 and 10:20 AM. At least 10-15 minutes early.
I have a hard time remembering job application information what can I do?
To make filling out applications easier, it is helpful to carry a copy of your resume or information at all times.
What are things to consider when looking for a job?
The qualifications, the location, the expectations, the pay, the reputation of the company, etc.
I am unsure of how to spell a word what should I do?
Always double check your resume for spelling errors. Use a spell check, look up the word, or ask for assistance.