What is a resume?
A resume is a piece of paper with important information about a person.
Should I fill out a job application in pencil?
No, you should fill out a job application in blue or black?
There are many different ways of finding out about a job. Name one way.
Help wanted ads, job service office, word of mouth.
How should you wear your hair?
Hair should be clean and combed.
What type of skills should you put on a resume?
skills that may pertain to the job.
Should I shake the interviewers hand?
Yes, always shake the interviewers hand. Do this firmly while you look at the interviewer and smile.
I have a hard time remembering job application information what can I do?
To make filling out applications easier, it is helpful to carry a wallet resume at all times so important information doesn't have to be remembered.
Name two things you should do while getting ready for an interview ?
Practice a mock interview
research the job