Job Interviews 101
Online & Offline
Professional or Not
Social Skills

Showing up late for an interview, is this acceptable?

No! You should be mindful of how early or late you arrive to appointments. It is good to be 15 minutes early for example, but you don't want to be even earlier than that.


A website you can use to find jobs.

Indeed. CareerLink. Google. Facebook.


You are introducing yourself to a manager at a company. The manager is interviewing you for a job! Is it appropriate to shake the managers hand?

Yes! In America it is common practice to shake hands when introducing yourself to someone in a professional setting.


An event where you can meet local companies who are looking to hire new employees? 

A job fair!


A way to communicate without speaking.

Body Language


Clothes you would wear to an interview.

Clean clothes, tie, dress shirt/blouse, khakis/dress pants, polo, light make-up, combed hair, clean closed toe shoes.


A coworker makes you very upset. You decide to vent about it by making a TikTok video. You even mention your coworkers name in the video. Is this professional to do?

No! We all have conflicts with peers or coworkers at times. However, not only can you make a problem bigger by posting to social media, but you can lose your job. 


Pretend you are a food server at a restaurant. A customer is rude to you. They raise their voice and call you mean names. You get upset and yell back at them. Is this okay? 

No! The customer should not be rude, but you also should not be yelling. What are more professional ways of handling this situation? 


A small piece of paper with contact information for an individual or a company.

A Business Card


When two or more people work together to achieve a goal we call that:



A good way to prepare for an upcoming job interview.

Mock interview with friends/family, practicing answers to common interview questions, researching the company, learning your driving or bus route to get to the job site so you don't get lost. 


Your friend posts a photo of you on their social media where you are partying at a club. They have it set to public so everyone can see it. What should you do?

Politely ask your friend to remove the photo or untag your name from the photo. You can explain that you want to be seen professionally online. 


A paper that lists your previous working and volunteering experience that you share with employers.

A Resume.


Can friends and family be used in networking?

Yes! A family member or friend could be a great resource when it comes to finding a job or helping you prepare for an interview!


What are two types of communication?

Verbal Communication, and Non-Verbal Communication. 


You are interviewing someone for a job at your company. Even though they are dressed nice, when you ask them questions about why they are interested in working for you they only say "I don't know." or "I'm not sure." Should you hire them? 

No. This person may look the part but they don't seem very interested in the job itself. 


5 social media websites

TikTok, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X


Which email address is more professional?



B! Why do you think A isn't a good choice?

Name three places you can network.

School, Church, Volunteer Groups, Events, Sport Teams, Activities, etc. Anywhere you meet other people could be a place to network. 


What is more appropriate when introducing yourself to a potential employer? 

a. A handshake.

B. A fist bump. 

The answer is A. A handshake! Fist bumps are great if you already have a friendship with an individual, and some bosses do fist bump employees they have known for awhile as a normal part of workplace culture. BUT if you have never met someone before, a handshake is more professional. 

You are interviewing for a job at a law firm. You decide you want to wear shorts because it is a hot summer day. Do you think you will get the job?

Probably not! It's important when choosing clothing to wear to an interview that we think about the type of job we are interviewing for! Is it a casual environment or a 'white collar' environment.


Pretend you got fired from a job. Should you complain on their social media platforms and post angry messages?

No! It's normal to be upset when we lose a job. BUT how we choose to behave when upset is important. If another company sees you being negative online, they may not want to hire you!


You are sick and unable to go to work. Which of the choices below should you do?

1. Go back to bed.

2. Call your supervisor/place of employment and let them know you are sick and won't be coming to work today. 

3. Call your doctor.

The correct answer is 2. You are part of a team at work, and not only do they need to plan what to do if you are not available, but they may worry about your safety if you are not at work at your normal time. 


A website used for networking



You ar ein the break room at work, and you find $50 dollars on the floor. Someone must have dropped it. Which is the right thing to do:

A. Put it in your pocket; Finders Keepers.

B. Give the bill to your manager or supervisor and tell them where you found it and that someone may have lost it. 

B! Remember to always be mindful about how YOU would want someone to act if they found something you lost. Money is valuable and necessary for people to maintain their lives. 
