Time Management
Resume & Cover Letter
Public Speaking & Networking

This material was cut to show how much time is left in your professional careers during this facilitation

What is String?


A resume should be _ pages long

What is one page?


This person was shown as a good example of public speaking

Who is Obama?


Name two types of interviews

What are phone, video, in person, group, etc. 


This is a short summary of yourself that you can deliver to a potential network/employer

What is an elevator pitch?


The process of managing your tasks to make sure that you take care of important things first

What is Prioritizing?


Name 3 different sections of your resume

What is education background, work experience, volunteer experience, skills, etc?


Share two tips for public speaking

What is:

  • Eye contact
  • Annunciate words 
  • Project your voice
  • Speak at a good pace (not too fast nor too slow)
  • Use positive body language and gestures
  • Practice what you're saying beforehand

Arrive at least ___ minutes early

What is 15 minutes? 


Explain the difference between a checking account and a savings account

What is...

Checking - used for every day transactions and purchases

Savings Account - used to keep money set aside and not to be used for every day purchases


Prioritize this list: 

Hang out with friends, Do a project due next week, Work on an essay due 2 weeks from now, Play video games, Clean room

1. Project Next week

2. Essay 2 weeks from now

3. Clean Room

4. Friends/Video games

5. Friends/video games


The purpose of a resume is to...

What is present yourself and your skills/experience to someone, most often in the hopes to get a job?


Three examples of body language one must use when giving a speech

What is no fidgeting, make eye contact, standing straight, etc?


A ___ is often the most important part of an introduction

What is a handshake? 

Bonus: +2 points to whatever team member has the best handshake


You would wear this type of clothing to a work event

What is Business Formal?


Name 3 apps/tools you can use to keep organized. 

What are planner, google calendars, to-do lists, post-its/sticky notes, etc. 


List 3 things you should NOT include in your resume

What is: 

  • Lie about your experiences and skills 
  • Use the word “I”
  • Incorporate vibrant colors and wacky fonts 
  • Have images or illustrations (unless applying for a creative position)
  • Include references (unless requested to be placed specifically in your resume) 
  • State the obvious (examples: you speak English and can use the internet) 
  • Include random irrelevant hobbies

List people who can be in your network

Who is anybody can be in your network?


List 3 ways to be prepared before an interview

What is research the company, have questions ready, practice with mock interviews etc.


Name 3 important parts of an email. 

What is professional e mail name, signature, subject line, salutation, concise body, etc. 


The single item that Isaac most recommends for staying organized is....

What is Google Calendar?


You should include what in your cover letter?

What is your personal information (full name, contact info, etc), the company name and address to the place you're applying to, an introduction, why you want the job, why you are qualified, etc?


Things you should do before, during, and after networking

What is:

  • Prepare a pitch/elevator speech 
  • Review names of people who may be attending the event
  • Make eye contact when meeting somebody
  • Ask people questions about themselves if you run out of things to talk about 
  • Give a firm handshake
  • Stand with open body language
  • Pay attention to the body language of people around you to know who is open to meeting and talking
  • Send an e mail to share contact info and thank them
  • Follow up on any promised commitments 
  • Connect with them on LinkedIn
  • Maintain the network! Touch base with them and check in every now and then

List 2 of the most common interview questions and answer the 2 questions. 

What is...

1. Tell me a little about yourself 

2. Why are you interested in this position? 

3. Why are you a good fit for this position? 

4. What are your strengths? 

5. What are your weaknesses? 

6. Tell me about a time when…


____ % of jobs are filled through networking

What is 80%?
