High School Diploma
On-the-Job Training
1-2 Years of College
4-5 Years of College
6+ Years of College
A person who paints walls, ceilings, windows and doors in a commercial or residential setting. This person may work inside or outside.
What is a painter?
A person who makes donuts, cakes, pies and cookies. This person would probably work in a grocery store early in the morning.
What is a baker?
A person who cuts and styles hair.
What is a barber or cosmetologist?
A person who helps students to learn in a classroom setting. This person may work in a public or private school.
What is a teacher?
A person who is in charge of a school. If you are naughty in class, you might get sent to this person's office.
What is a principal or school administrator?
A person who is paid to transport people in a motor vehicle to their destination. This person must be able to read maps and know the city very well.
What is a taxi driver?
A person who might cash a check or deposit money into your account.
What is a bank teller?
A person who enforces laws or makes sure that others obey the law. This person had to attend a special school to work in this career.
What is a police officer?
A person who is trained to care for sick or injured people and who usually works in a hospital or doctor's office.
What is a nurse?
A person who helps students with academic or social problems at school. This person is a good listener.
What is a therapist or counselor?
This person performs clerical duties in medical offices, including typing, filing, billing, taking phone calls and making appointments.
What is a medical secretary?
A person who answers the phone, makes appointments, or greets people when they come into a place of business.
What is a receptionist?
A person who will fix your kitchen faucet when it is leaking or dripping.
What is a plumber?
A person who predicts the weather and reports current weather conditions on TV or Radio.
What is a meteorologist?
A person whose profession is to represent clients in a court of law or to advise or act for clients in other legal matters.
What is a lawyer?
Delivering mail to local businesses and residences, these people travel on established routes and also help with sorting of mail.
What is a Postal Service mail carrier?
A retail salesperson, who sells new and/or used cars.
What is a car salesman?
A tradesperson specializing in electrical wiring of buildings, stationary machines and related equipment. They can also work in homes.
What is an electrician?
A person who works with numbers. This person might keep track of money and taxes for a business.
What is an accountant?
A person who would perform an operation in a hospital setting.
What is a surgeon?
This person is responsible for the physical construction of the built environment and its infrastructure.
What is a construction worker?
A person who drives heavy machinery to move earth at a construction site.
What is a heavy equipment operator?
An ancillary dental worker specializing in scaling and polishing teeth and in giving advice on cleaning the teeth.
What is a dental hygienist?
An industrial occupation whose responsibility is maintaining communications and computer systems. They may also refer to individuals that help design and develop information and graphic content.
What is an IT (Information Technology) technician?
A person who reads an X-ray to look for disease, broken bones, swallowed objects, etc.
What is a radiologist?