Name 3 jobs where you work with an object or machine.
Singer, doctor, artist, chef, writer, factory
Someone who... is a doctor for animals.
A vet
Someone who... likes to fly
A pilot
People who will recommend you to an employer
health insurance, vacation time and other things you receive in addition to your salary.
What are job benefits?
Name 3 jobs that start with A!
Artist, athete, actor, actress
Someone who cooks professionally.
A chef
Someone who... is on TV, movies or plays
An actor or actress
What do they want to be?
The form you fill out to ask for a job at a business.
What is a job application?
Name 3 jobs where you need to physically move a lot.
Dancer, doctor, vet, athlete, firefighter, landscaper, stocker
Someone who saves people, animals, and buildings.
A firefighter
Someone who... can run very fast
An athlete
What does she want to be?
A vet
A summary of your academic and work history
What is a resume?
Name 3 jobs where you have to wear a uniform!
Pilot, doctor, firefighter
Someone who... helps people feel better
A doctor
Someone who... can make beautiful paintings
An artist
A face-to-face or telephone questioning to obtain a job.
A letter you send with your resume to provide more information about you.
What is a cover letter?
Name 3 jobs that help people!
Firefighter, police officer, doctor, teacher
Someone who... helps people with English, Math, Science, History...
A teacher
Someone who... can feel the music
A dancer or a singer
What do they want to be?
They want to be firefighters
A unique nine digit number issued by the federal government that is required for all workers
What is social security number?