Name 3 jobs where you need to deal with the public.
a lot of jobs
Someone who writes computer software
A computer programmer
Someone who... helps students learn new things
a teacher
Where does a teacher work?
at school
What's the difference between: a doctor and a dentist
a doctor looks after your body while a dentist looks after your teeth
Name 3 jobs which begin with the letter D,F,L
doctor, farmer, lawyer
Someone who... drives a car
a taxi driver
Someone who... creates delicious meals
a chef
where does a doctor work?
in the hospital
What's the difference between: a teacher and a journalist
a teacher teaches , a journalist gives information
Name 3 jobs where people work outdoors
farmer, taxi driver, journalist
Someone who... plays in theatre
an actor/an actress
Someone who... knows the law
a lawyer
Where does a chef work?
at the restaurant
What's the difference between: a chef and a farmer
a chef cooks, a farmer grows crops
Name 3 jobs where you have to wear a uniform.
doctor, lawyer, chef, teacher
Someone who... helps sick and injured people
a doctor
Someone who... asks people questions shares important information
a journalist
where does a computer programmer work?
What's the difference between: a student and a pupil
Student study at the university, pupil study at school
Name 3 jobs which, in your opinion, well-paid
student own answers
Someone who... grows crops and takes care of animals
a farmer
Someone the boss of a school.
a principal
where does an actor/ an actress work?
in the theater
What's the difference between: work and job
a job is a paid position; work is what you DO at the job