This is a game which Joe and Cecelia own
What is [a game in Joe and Cecelia's collection]?
The Church of the Blessed Sacrament, where Joe sings weekly, is this denomination of Christianity.
What is (Roman) Catholic?
Joe and Cecelia began their relationship as this non-romantic partnership.
What are roommates?
Joe and his only sibling share this unusual characteristic.
What are identical twins?
This is part of Joe and Cecelia's apartment recently fell apart.
What is the kitchen ceiling?
Joe and Cecelia regularly consume youtube content about this popular trading card game.
What is Magic The Gathering?
This is the only job title which Joe and Cecelia have ever shared (at different times).
What is barista?
Joe's college girlfriend (2016-2019) was of this ignorant demographic of people who would shortly be proven especially stupid.
What is an anti-vaxxer?
Cecelia has this number of sisters.
What is two?
Cecelia Wrote her first novel drinking negronis at this cocktail bar which is Joe and Cecelia's favorite.
What is The Honeywell?
Joe has played this game more-or-less weekly since 2018.
What is Dungeons and Dragons?
This is the company for which both Joe and Cecelia have worked.
What is Angie?
Joe and Cecelia's first romantic trip abroad was to this country.
What is Ireland?
Joe and Cecelia bonded initially over this shared family dynamic.
What are separated parents?
This is the number of pairs of shoes Joe went through while hiking the 2194.7 mile long Appalachian Trail in 2024.
What is six?
Cecelia's favorite game, The Grizzled, featuring art by Tignous, who was killed in the Charlie Hebdo attack, is based on this historical event.
What is World War One?
Joe famously totaled a guitar during a performance of a regional production of this musical.
What is Once?
Joe won Cecelia's love by redecorating and deep cleaning their apartment which he called this.
What is Apartment 3.0?
Joe and Cecelia have this many living biological grandparents.
What is three?
This quaint upstate town is where Joe and Cecelia one day dream to move to.
Joe famously made Cecelia cry after their first time playing this game.
What is Root?
Cecelia attended the electric picnic music festival in Dublin working at a food truck serving this item.
What is a crepe?
Cecelia famously hooked up with her scene partner after performing a scene from this Shakespeare play.
What is Macbeth?
Cecelia's sister went to college in this foreign country.
What is Singapore?
Joe was recently accepted to this MBA program.
What is (Ask Joe)?