How many rule thingies does Zote have?
Brawler trio that still has not been completed yet after like 3 years.
Velocirapids trio what the hell supercell
Fill in the blank: One question: ________________
Why so serious?
How many sides does a megagon have?
I usually lie dormant, high in the sky. But, I can crash out randomly and destroy stuff around me. What am I?
A volcano
The amount of pale ores you need for pure nail
How many brawlers can walk over water
5 (Eve, Angelo, Juju, R-T when split, and Shade)
Fill in the blank: I'm so hungry _____________
I could eat a horse
The chemical symbol for silver
I, uhhhhhhhh, actually what am I?
Name of most expensive geo item
Arcane Egg
This star power is broken and does not work
It is also on a more forgotten brawler
Willow's "Love is Blind" (the reload speed one).
SUPRISE!!! Trick Question!
There is a word that has its first 2 letters mean a man, first 3 a woman, first 4 a great man, and the whole word a great woman. What's the word?
Name a double-landlocked country (country completely surrounded by landlocked countries)
Uzbekistan, Liechtenstein
At one time I am vivid; terrifying or pleasant. Then out of nowhere, I disappear and leave you wondering. What am I?
A dream.
This boss has a wife.
The first six brawlers to get a hyper (all or nothing).
Bull, Jacky, Shelly, Colt, Spike, and Pearl.
Fill in the blank: People living in glass houses_______
Shouldn't throw stones
Most bombed country in the world
I am part of your humanity, yet people who commonly cause my escape for fun are looked down upon. Without me, you're dead. What am I?
The name of the 4th nail stage.
Coiled Nail.
This brawler used to break the game when their super was used (lots of numbers)
Fill in the blank: A group of crows is called a ______
What does the Pokemon move First Impression do? (yes you actually have to answer it now)
It is a +2 priority Bug move w/ 80 base power only usable on the first turn.
I am the plague of this generation. I dwell in the confines of the screen, yet you will never escape my madness. Nonsense is the only thing I've ever known. What am I.