In April of 1985 the Coca-Cola company introduced this reformulation of the traditional soda with this new branding, leading to mainstream outrage directed towards the beverage and company for the following 17 years.
What is New Coke?
This Door-swapping probability puzzle is named after the original host of "Let's Make a Deal".
What is the Monty Hall problem?
These funny yellow pill-men are Gru's assistants in the despicable me franchise.
What are the minions?
The traditional English playing card "Jack" once went by this name in the 16th century.
What is the Knave?
This bald live streamer on twitch blew up by "Squadding up" with ninja during the Fortnite boom of 2017.
Who is Timothy John Betar (TimTheTatman)?
A promotion by McDonald's in 1984 promised free food items for ticketholders when Olympians brought home the gold for this country.
What Is the United states of America?
A classic riddle involves two dubious guards guarding two doors, one of which leads to death, and the other leading to this.
What is Freedom?
These are Gru's adopted daughters.
Who are Margo, Edith, and Agnes?
This infamous Yu-Gi-Oh spell card allowing its user to draw 2 more cards is banned in almost all forms of play.
What is Pot of Greed?
This Extremely accomplished American author, screenwriter, comedian and producer was once the only female writer on the long running TV show "Family Guy".
Who is Cherry T. Chevapravatdumrong?
This 2012 online promotion by PepsiCo challenged internet users to name the new green apple flavor of mountain dew, an onslaught of vulgar and offensive names resulting in PepsiCo taking down the website and the challenge.
What is Dub the Dew?
This phenomenon, occurring when an individual focuses on something too intently, is named after its tendency to occur while playing 1985's Tetris.
What is The Tetris Effect?
This Despicable me 2 villain kidnaps those close to Gru to turn them into purple monsters while masquerading as the innocuous restaurant owner of Salsa & Salsa in the Paradise Shopping Mall.
Who is Eduardo "El Macho" Perez?
This is the Fifth playing suit used in most five-suited English decks, including the rummy-based card game "Five Crowns."
What is Stars?
This Minnesotan mechanic received his patent for the pop-up toaster two years after its invention.
Who is Charles Strite?
In 2012 an internet vote allowing fans across the country to choose a venue for artist Taylor Swift to perform at settled on this school in Boston, Massachusetts.
What is the Horace Mann School for the Deaf?
This Internet mail show from the early 2010s featuring Mr. Sark and APLFisher is the origin of the "Unlimited Bacon" Question.
What is Machinima Respawn Inbox?
This is Gru's real name.
What is Felonius Gru Sr.?
This deck of 48 seasonal flower cards is the traditional playing card alternative in Japan.
What is Hanafuda?
This Anarchist who assassinated President McKinley.
Who is Leon Czolgosz?
This 2009 promotion done by burger king on Facebook required its participants to unfriend and post about unfriending 10 people on their friends list for free food, costing the company $8 million that quarter.
What is the whopper sacrifice?
This book published in 1944 and written by John von Neumann and co-written by Oskar Morgenstern is often considered to be the foundation of game theory.
What is the Theory of Games and Economic Behavior?
Dru Gru, Gru's brother separated at their parent's divorce, was given to his father and grew up in this fictional country.
What is Freedonia?
Currency-based cards of Increasing values invented in China, considered the original playing cards Come in these four suits.
What are Coins, Strings (of coins), Myriads (of strings), Tens (of myriads)?
This Incarcerated union soldier during the civil war contributed substantially to the Oxford English Dictionary while incarcerated.
Who is William Chester Minor?