This Canadian pop star gained fame with hits like 'Baby' and 'Sorry.
Who is Justin Bieber
In 2007, this song by Rick Astley became a popular internet prank known as 'Rickrolling.' What is the title of the song
what is Never Gonna Give You Up
What is the primary ingredient in the dish 'guacamole'
what is avocado
In Greek mythology, what creatures with snakes for hair could turn onlookers into stone with a single gaze?
what is medusa
What occupation involves preparing and serving a variety of dishes and managing a kitchen in a restaurant or culinary establishment?
what is a chef
In which book and film series does a young wizard attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
What is Harry Potter
What 2007 dance craze and internet meme, inspired by a song by Soulja Boy, involved a specific dance move and a catchy refrain
what is Crank That (Soulja Boy)
What is the name of the French pastry made from layers of thin dough filled with butter, sugar, and various flavors
what is croissant
This 1999 found-footage horror film is often credited with popularizing the 'found footage' subgenre. What is its title
The Blair Witch Project
What profession involves representing clients in legal matters, providing legal advice, and advocating on their behalf in court?
what is a lawyer
What social media platform was launched in 2004 and quickly became known for its character limit
What is Twitter
What 2009 viral video featuring a baby boy laughing hysterically became known as the 'Giggle Loop' and brought joy to millions of viewers
what is Charlie Bit My Finger
What popular Japanese dish consists of vinegared rice combined with various ingredients, often including raw seafood?
what is sushi
What classic horror novel by Mary Shelley tells the story of a scientist who creates a grotesque creature in a scientific experiment
what is frankenstein
What profession involves designing buildings, structures, and spaces, and requires a deep understanding of mathematics, engineering, and aesthetics?
what is an Architect
his animated film, released in 2013, features a snow queen named Elsa and her sister Anna
What is Frozen
This 2005 song by Crazy Frog, based on a Swedish ringtone, became a meme due to its catchy tune and unusual character. What is the song called?
what is Axel F
What popular breakfast food is made from ground oats and can be served hot or cold with various toppings?
what is oatmeal
In H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, what ancient, powerful, and malevolent entity lies dormant beneath the sea, waiting to awaken?
what is Cthulhu
What is the profession of someone who studies the Earth's physical properties, including its composition, structure, and processes?
what is a geologist
What video-sharing platform, founded in 2005, allows users to upload and watch short videos?
What is YouTube
This 2000s rapper created a viral internet sensation with the 'Chocolate Rain' meme, known for his distinctive deep voice. Who is he
who is Tay Zonday
What classic American dish is made by combining ground meat (typically beef or a mixture of beef and pork) with other ingredients like breadcrumbs, onions, and seasonings, then baking it in the shape of bread"
what is meatloaf
What supernatural entity, often depicted as a clown, terrorizes children in the novel and film adaptation of Stephen King's 'It'?
what is Pennywise the Dancing Clown
What occupation involves examining and diagnosing eye conditions, prescribing corrective lenses, and performing eye surgeries when necessary?
what is an Optometrist