This small, red summer fruit develops tiny seeds on the outside and often tops shortcake.
What is strawberry
Hanks, Edison, and Jeffferson
What is Tom or Thomas
He is best known for inventing the electric lightbulb
Thomas Edison
This is the granddaddy of all Thanksgiving Day Parades.
What is Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
This is the best selling book of all time.
What is the Bible.
This melodious flyer is the world's smallest bird.
What is hummingbird?
A-list Actresses Audrey and Katherine
What is Hepburn
Before he built his theme park empire, this household name was fired from newspaper job for lack of creativity
Who is Walt Disney
"Over the River and Through the Woods" is a traditional Thanksgiving Day nursery rhyme in which the people are headed where?
What is to grandmother's house
He created the character Tiny Tim
Who is Charles Dickens
This northeastern state is the smallest state U.S. State
What is Rhode Island
Businesswoman Martha, actor James and Talk-show host Jon
Waht is Stewart
He failed his music classes and was told "you ain't goin' nowhere, son. He later became known as the king of rock 'n' roll
Who is Elvis Presley
This is the traditional ahome Thanksgiving afternoon game for spectators and/or participants.
What is football
Noah Webster published the genre of book
What is dictionary or reference
This small serving or treat is eaten between meals.
What is snack
Actors DeNiro, Wagner and Duvall
What is Robert
"Can't sing. Can't act. Balding. Can dance a little." was the note from an RKO executive after this Silk Stockings star's first screen test.
Who is Fred Astaire
This centerpiece represents the bountiful harvest of autumn.
What is a cornucopia (horn of plenty)
This "This Queen of Mystery" holds the top spot as the world's best-selling fiction author.
Who is Agatha Christie
Every niw and then, when you cut into a bell pepper, you find this inside
What is a baby bell pepper?
Actress MacLaine and child actress Temple
What is Shirley
You've seen him on Shark Tank, and he owns the Dallas Mavericks.
Who is Mark Cuban
A customary practice is to go around the Thanksgiving table and ask everyone to answer this question.
What is "What are you thankful for?"
He Authored this go-to book for new mothers in the 1960s
Who is Dr. Benjamin Spock.