Jesus said, “I am the ____ vine”
Jesus says, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you.”
Another word for “remain” is this
Jesus says that we will show we are His disciples if we do this
Jesus tells His disciples, “Remain in my love.” One way to do this is by doing this (John 15:9-10).
Obeying His commands
Jesus tells His disciples that if the world hates them, it hated this person first (John 15:18).
he Father is described as this, who takes care of the vine
What is the gardener (or vinedresser)?
f we abide in Jesus, we will have our prayers answered because we will ask for things according to this
God's Will
The kind of fruit Jesus wants us to bear is not physical but spiritual, including things like love, patience, and kindness. These are called the ____ of the Spirit
Jesus says that the greatest act of love is to do this for one’s friends (John 15:13).
esus says that if we belong to Him, we should not expect the world to do this (John 15:19).
Love us
Branches that do not bear fruit are removed, but fruitful branches are treated this way to grow even more
Abiding in Jesus means staying connected to Him through prayer, obedience, and this (John 15:7).
His Word
The purpose of bearing fruit is to bring this to God (John 15:8).
riends if you do what I ____
Command (John 15:14)
The world hates Jesus because He tells them this about their sins (John 15:22).
Exposes Them
Just as a branch cannot bear fruit by itself, we cannot bear fruit unless we do thi
Jesus says that those who do not remain in Him are like branches that wither and are thrown here
Jesus says that the fruit we bear should last for this long (John 15:16).
Forever (or remain)
Jesus does not call us servants but calls us this instead (John 15:15).
esus tells His disciples that persecution will come because people do not know this person (John 15:21).
The Father
Without Jesus, we can do this much
biding in Jesus brings fullness of this in our lives
Jesus says that when we bear fruit, we will receive whatever we ask in His name, because we are asking according to this
God's will
Jesus reminds the disciples that they did not choose Him, but He did this for them (John 15:16).
Choose them
Even though the world will hate Jesus’ followers, He promises to send this Helper (John 15:26).
Holy Spirit