This is the only miracle that is recorded in all 4 Gospels
What is the Feeding of the 5000?
The Pharisees claimed incorrectly that this man's children have never been slaves.
Who is Abraham?
When Jesus enters Samaria he meets a woman doing this activity at an unusual time which immediately tells him she is suffering, lonely and likely excluded from society.
What is drawing water in the middle of the day.
When Jesus provided enough bread to feed a small army in the wilderness the crowd decided to give Jesus this job title. Whether he wanted it or not.
What is a king?
Jesus skipped this festival to teach his followers in the wilderness in Galillee, to mixed results.
What is the Passover
Jesus made use of the tools of ritual purification to perform this sign.
What is turning the water into wine?
Abraham's children do this at the thought of Jesus' day
What is rejoice?
Jesus strikes up a conversation with her by making this simple request that immediately highlights all the reasons he should not be talking to her.
What is ask her for a drink?
This man shows he still isn't ready to openly join Jesus team when he lamely tries to get the Pharisees to judge Jesus fairly under the law without directly challenging their unjust hatred of Him.
Who is Nicodemus?
If you're holding myrtle branches in one hand and a citrus fruit in the other, you are probably in the middle of the celebrations for this Jewish festival.
What is the feast of Tabernacles?
This is the only miraculous sign thus far to occur outside of Galilee
What is the healing of the lame man?
Those who call this person their father are likely to grow up to become exterminators or advertising executives.
Who is the Devil?
Tension between Jews and Samaritans extends back nearly a thousand years to a political revolution when Samaria was name the capital of this nation.
What is Northern Israel?
This small group of men tried to convince Jesus to go and get famous by performing some of His signs at the next Jewish festival even though they personally did not believe in Him.
Who are Jesus' brothers?
Although John doesn't tell us which one, we know that Jesus was in Jerusalem for a festival when He performed this sign.
What is the healing of the lame man?
Jesus initially rebuffed the man who asked Him to perform this sign stating that people will only believe if they see a sign.
What is the healing of the Nobleman's son?
When criticized for working on Sabbath, Jesus defended Himself by claiming that he inherited this from His father.
What is His father's business?
The Samaritans worshipped on this mountain which would be made obsolete by the death of the Messiah.
What is Mt. Gerazim?
When confronted by the Jewish leaders after healing the lame man, Jesus claims that they have failed to understand God's word properly because they failed to do this as they read Scripture?
What is grow in love?
When Jesus jumped up and called for everyone who was thirsty to come to him and drink, he very likely interrupted this popular Tabernacles ceremony.
What is the Water Libation Ritual
This sign was witnessed only by the disciples.
What is walking on water?
When the people following Jesus began to grumble when they heard Jesus' difficult words at the synagogue in Capernaum, they revealed that they were truly the children of this group.
Who are the Israelites who died in the wilderness?
Jewish bigotry incorrectly claimed that every Samaritan woman suffered from this?
What is unclean bleeding
When discussing living water, the Samaritan woman judged Jesus critically because he claimed to be greater than this Old Testament patriarch who made the well they were sitting at.
Who is Jacob?
Jesus made this loud declaration during the evening celebration of the festival of Tabernacles amidst singing, dancing and the occasional juggling Rabbi.
What is "I am the Light of the World?"