How many loaves and fish did the boy have?
Five loaves and two fish
What time of day did Jesus walk on the water?
Evening or night.
What did Jesus say was the true bread from heaven?
He is the Bread of Life. (John 6:35)
In which verse does Jesus say, “I am the Bread of Life”?
John 6:35
What did Jesus say people were really seeking after He fed them?
More food, not signs of who He was. (John 6:26)
Which disciple pointed out the boy with food?
How did the disciples react when they saw Jesus on the water?
They were afraid.
What happens to those who eat the bread of life?
They will never hunger or thirst. (John 6:35)
Where in this chapter does Jesus tell His disciples, “Do not be afraid”?
John 6:20
What kind of food does Jesus say people should seek?
Food that endures to eternal life. (John 6:27)
What did Jesus do before distributing the food?
He gave thanks.
What did Jesus say to calm their fear?
"It is I; do not be afraid."
How did the crowd respond when Jesus said He was the bread from heaven?
They grumbled and questioned how He could say that
In which verse do people ask, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”
John 6:28
What did Jesus say was the "work" God requires?
To believe in the One He has sent. (John 6:29)
How many baskets of leftovers were collected?
Twelve baskets.
How did the boat reach the shore after Jesus got in?
Immediately, the boat reached land. (John 6:21)
What did Jesus say people must do to have eternal life?
Believe in Him. (John 6:47)
What verse describes the miracle of the loaves and fish feeding 5,000 people?
John 6:10 -13
Why did many disciples stop following Jesus?
His teaching was hard for them to accept. (John 6:60-66)
Why did the crowd want to make Jesus king after the miracle?
They saw His power and wanted Him to rule over them. (John 6:15)
How does Jesus walking on water show His power?
It shows He has control over nature and can do what is impossible for humans.
What does Jesus mean when He says, "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life"?
He is referring to fully accepting Him and His sacrifice. (John 6:53-54)
In what verse does Peter say, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life”?
John 6:68
How did Peter respond when Jesus asked if the Twelve would leave Him?
“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” (John 6:68)