Biographical Info
Educational Theories
Application to Teaching & Learning
Example of Theories in application to Teaching & Learning
Influence on Teaching & Learning
This was the date that John Dewey was born in Burlington, Vermont.
What is October 20, 1859?
These are the 2 extremes in educational theories that John Dewey supports.
What are Traditional and Progressive Education?
This is the name of the cycle that Dewey's theory supports. It involves experiencing, sharing, processing, generalizing and applying phases.
What the Experimental Learning Cycle?
This is an example of an in class type of learning that John Dewey believed created a strong sense of community. It is defined as an educational approach which aims to organize classroom activities into academic and social learning experiences. It has been described as structuring positive interdependence where students work in groups to complete tasks collectively toward academic goals.
What is Cooperative Learning?
This is common term used when describing how a teacher should treat each individual student. Dewey believed teachers should never pressure students to conform. Instead of going into a classroom with certain expectations, accept students of all different cultures, religions and family backgrounds.
What is Respect?
These were the parents of John Dewey that had 4 sons, of which one of them passed away in infancy.
Who are Archibald Sprague Dewey and Lucina Artemesia?
John Dewey's theory is that experience arises from interaction of these two principles. The first is described as an experience a person has that will influence his/her future, for better or for worse. The second refers to the situational influence on one's experience.
What are Continuity and Interaction?
In this 1902 piece, John Dewey describes how education should take place within the classroom and discusses two major conflicting schools of thought. The first is curriculum centered and focuses strictly on the subject matter. The second is a 'child-centered' focus.
What is 'The Child and the Curriculum'?
This is defined as the process of learning through doing, and is more specifically defined as "learning through reflection on doing". It often involves hands on learning.
What is Experiential Learning?
According to John Dewey's theories that extent beyond the walls of the school and into the community, teachers should create opportunities for this type of involvement. Teachers should encourage students to volunteer at vaious outreach programs of interest. Making volunteering a class project is a great way to foster such.
What is Social Involvement?
This is the name of the editor of the 'Journal of Speculative Philosophy' that John Dewey sent his essay to. Acceptance of this essay gave John Dewey the confidence to pursue his interest in philosophies.
Who is W.T. Harris?
Dewey argued that manual training, science, nature-study, art and similar subjects be given precedence over these areas in the primary curriculum. The exercise of the child’s motor skills in constructive work would naturally lead into learning the abstract, intellectual branches of knowledge.
What are the traditional three R's of reading, writing and arithmetic?
John Dewey argues that in order for students to learn the most effectively in the classroom, content must be presented in a way that allows the student to relate the information to this type of experience. Therefore, the student is able to deepen his/her connection with this new knowledge.
What are Prior Experiences?
This is a modern day term used in the classroom that applies John Dewey's theory on learning. It encourages students to find personal interest in the subject as Dewey believed that students should feel connected to classroom material to retain information and adapt it for personal use. An example of such, would be connecting a history lesson to current events.
What is 'Making a Real World Connection'?
This is one of the key concepts that John Dewey supported in his education theories. It is defined as the quality or state of having many different forms, types or ideas.
What Diversity?
This is the name of the school where John Dewey received his doctorate in 1884. At this university, John was greatly influenced by George Sylvester Morris and G. Stanley Hall.
What is John Hopkins University?
John Dewey was consider the father of this movement, which began in the late 19th century and has existed in various forms into the present. This term was developed to differentiate education from the traditional 19th century Euro-American style, which focused on classical preparation for university and differentiated by social class.
What is the Progressive Education?
This is one of the phases in the Experimental Learning Cycle that is applied to teaching and learning in the classroom that is defined as developing 'real-world principles'.
What is Generalizing?
Dewey saw teachers as facilitators, and not a person merely standing behind a desk. He argued that teachers should help students discover the information for themselves, by creating learning experiences. When designing active, hands-on classroom activities, start with this type of lesson to assess how much the students already knows.
What is a Bridge Lesson?
This is the term used to describe the type of learning used in today's classrooms that was supported by John Dewey. It is defined as learning which challenges children by using real-life and imaginary situations. It takes full advantage of the opportunities for learning presented by spontaneous play, planned play, exploring and life experiences.
What is Active Learning?
This is the location where John Dewey's early idealism offered he empirically based theory of knowledge that was the foundation of developing pragmatism as the American school of thought. He also wrote a series of 4 essays entitled "Thought and its Subject-Matter," at his university.
What is University of Chicago?
This is the name of the work that John Dewey published in 1897 that depicted his ideas of democracy and social reform. In this piece, Dewey makes a case for the importance of education not only as a place to gain content knowledge, but also as a place to learn how to live. He quotes in this writing that "to prepare him for the future life means to give him command of himself; it means so to train him that he will have the full and ready use of all his capacities."
What is 'My pedagogic Creed'?
John Dewey found that activities involving this side of the child’s nature should take first place in primary education.
What is the Energetic Side?
Dewey believed in this type of classroom where students felt free to express their opinions. Current classroom and teaching styles are in alignment with this philosophy as teachers are expected to listen respectfully to each student and ask for frequent feedback. Furthermore, if a teacher witnesses bullying between peers, he/she should intervene in a respectful way. Finally, teachers are encouraged to promote and teach tolerance among students.
What is a Democratic Classroom?
John Dewey believed that the best education prepared the child to be effectively this type of directed as students that receive information passively are not well prepared to teach themselves. Advocates of progressive education stress the importance of allowing students time and room to question and clarify issues in the classroom. Therefore, the teacher serves less as an instructor and more as a guide.
What is Self Directed?