History of Dorr
Animals at Dorr
Programs at Dorr
Plants at Dorr
Dorr Teachers

83 acres was donated to the Horace Mann School creating the John Dorr Nature Lab in this year?

What is 1965


This is the name of the biggest mammal that can be found roaming around the Dorr campus. 

What is a black bear


This program is the longest program held at the John Dorr Nature Lab. Spanning from November to March, students come to climb the CAT!

What is the 8th Grade Program


This plant is one of the first plants to flower at Dorr. Later in the spring, the plant is easy to identify by its stinky smell. 

What is skunk cabbage


This teacher has been working at Dorr for 48 years. You and your parents may have had him as a teacher!

Who is Glenn Sherratt


This person donated the first plot of land to the John Dorr Nature Lab?

Who is Nell Dorr


This amphibian can be found in all of the ponds on the John Dorr Nature Lab campus come spring time. It gets its name from the high pitch chirping sound it makes especially around dusk. 

What is a spring peeper


This program revolves around water. Students spend time learning about the water cycle, searching for macroinvertebrates in the nearby stream, and wading through rapids on the steam walk!

What is the 4th Grade Program


Watch out! This plant grows wild all around the Dorr campus, but you don't want to touch it. If the oils of this plant come in contact with skin, they can cause a painful and itchy rash

What is poison ivy


This teacher has a BFA in jewelry and metalsmithing 

Who is Sam Haines


In 2009 the John Dorr Nature Lab campus underwent a major renovation with a new access road, new bunkhouse, and a new lodge with multipurpose barn. This new lodge has many sustainability features and garners this certification.  

What is a Gold LEED Certification


This solitary, nocturnal animal is about twice the size of a house cat. These animals are named after their unique tails

What is a bobcat


This program learns how to make apple cider from a hand crank wooden cider press

What is the 5th Grade Program


The bark of tree is often used to start fires. At Dorr, we refer to this material as kindergarten 

What are white birch trees


Before coming to Dorr, this teacher led canoe trips for 10-20 days primarily in Ontario

Who is Kate Kerrick


Completed in 2019, this ropes course caters to 3rd and 4th grade students. It is the only high ropes course that is completely encompassed in netting and therefore does not require participants to wear a harness.

What is the Adventure Treehouse


This nocturnal animal is commonly found in North America. When first born, babies are as small as honey bees!

What is an opossum


This high school program happens at the end of senior year and serves as a celebration for the upcoming graduation

What is Senior Dorr


This plant can be seen all around Dorr and may even be in your garden. It is known for its soft, velvety texture and silver green coloring. 

What is lamb's-ear


This teacher taught 4th grade in the Oregon desert before coming to Dorr

Who is Nick DePreter


This program was the first program to be run at the John Dorr Nature Lab in 1965

What is the 8th Grade Program


This animal is an impressive migratory species. It travels up to 12,500 miles to and from South America each year. In the spring and summer time, you can find these animals around Sunset Hill.


What is a bobolink


This semester long high school programs gives students the chance to revisit some of the ideas presented in the 8th grade program while students partake in backpacking, rock climbing, and white water canoeing!

What is Searchers


The root of this plant is edible and has a mild cucumber flavor. The flower can be seen growing in forested areas.

What is Indian Cucumber


This teacher has had a list of every preposition memorized since 4th grade 

Who is Carla Farson
