how did john lennon die,murdered,old age
what is the name of john lennon's eldest son
Julian Lennon
Hvad er The Beatles' største hit?
She Loves You.
how many children does yoko have
1 son
where does john lennon live
Jhon Lennon was bron in Liverpool
what was john lennon's mother's name
Julia Lennon
what is the name of the new band
The nev band is a beatles
does his girlfriend like pictures
when did he die
died December 8
what was the name of john lennon's father
Alfred lenonn
what kind of music did he make was it pop country or rock
what is his girlfriend's name
what country does he come from
he comes from new york
how many siblings did he have
is 3
how many songs has he written 8''5'' 6''
where did yoko come from
how old was john lennon
when was he born''1940''1937''1920''
what school did he go to
Liverpool Art College
what is yoko's last name