What is John's fathers name?
Which angel told Zacharias about the birth of John?
Archangel Gabriel
Who told Mary she will be having a son?
Archangel Gabriel
"Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name ......." John 1:12
What is Johns mothers name?
Where was Zacharias when he was told about Johns birth?
The temple
Why couldn't Elizabeth and Zacharias have children?
They were very old
"He will also be filled with the Holy........., even from his mother's womb" John 1:15
Who is Elizabeths relative?
Did Zacharias believe at first?
How long did Mary stay with Elizabeth?
3 Months
What was Zacharias' job?
What was Zacharias' punishment?
He couldn't talk until Johns birth
Is John older or Jesus?
"But the angel said to him, Do not....... ....... Zacharias" John 1:13
Be afraid
True or False: Zacharias and Elizabeth had children before John?
What was Zacharias doing before the angel appeared to him?
Buring incense
What happened to Elizabeth when she heard Mary's voice?
John leaped in her womb
"Elizabeth conceived; and she hid herself ....... months" John 1:24