Yes, But is it Kosher?
Well Done, Or Extra Crispy?
Who is for Dinner?
Random-No Cap
Even more Random

This is the Nation that Carried the Jews including Daniel and his friends into Exile.

What is Babylon 


The  King who had an Image made to be worshiped

Who is Nebuchadnezzar?


The number of times Daniel prayed

What Is 3?


The number of people the King saw in the Furnance

What is 4?


The number of books in the Bible.

What is 66


The type of food Daniel suggested they should eat instead of the King's food.

What is Vegetables and Water.


The  3 men who refused to bow to the King's Image.

Who are Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego?


The Age range that Daniel would have been when thrown into the Lion's Den

What is 80 to 90?


The Place Daniel Prayed to God when he was told he was forbidden to do so.

What is his Room?


This is the town Jesus grew up in, not born.

What is Nazareth?


The 2 Reasons I said that Daniel and his friends most likely would not eat King's food presented to them. 

What are the food may not have bean clean or Kosher, and may have been sacrificed to other gods.


The height of the Statue the King had made.

What is 60 cubits high , or 90 feet?


The King who had Daniel put into the Lion's Den

King Darius


The the way the King before the King who threw Daniel into a Den of Lions found out he was no longer going to be King.

What is a hand writing on the Wall?


The Son of David who became king after David died.

Who is Solomon?


The length of Time Daniel asked to be tested with eating the food he suggested that they eat instead of the King's food.

What is 10 days?


The amount hotter the King demanded the furnace be turned to when the 3 men refused to bow to the statue.

What is 7 times?


The Reason Daniel was thrown into the Lion's Den

What is would not follow the Decree of the King to only pray to Him and no one else?


The title, position or Name of the person put in Charge of Daniel and his friends.

Chief Offical, Chief or Head Eunuch, orAshpenaz 


The Type of Book that Daniel is considerd.

What is Prophecy?


You pick the answer-The  Name given to Daniel or The Jewish names of Daniel's Friends.

What is Belteshazzar? or What are Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah?


The response of the 3 men to the King when they refused to bow the 2nd time (does not have to be word for word but must be close)

What is " If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand.  But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”


One of the names of the positions of the people who conspired to have Daniel killed.

What are the satraps?


The name of one of the musical Instruments to be played to signify the time to bow to the King's Statue

What is  horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, or pipe?


The name of Elijah's apprentice 

Who is Elisha
