What weighs more? A ton of feathers, or a ton of Gold?
What is neither?
Im the largest country in South America. I am known for housing the largest rain forest in the world. I am also known for soccer. What am I?
10,20,30,40______,60, 70
What is 50?
What is Thomas's nickname from the bible?
What is doubting Thomas?
What is the first and last book in the bible?
What is Genesis and Revelation?
what has wheels and flies?
What is a garbage truck?
Danube, Rhine, Amazon Nile, Thames, Ganges Hudson and Rio Grande. What are all of these?
What is the capital of Italy?
What is Rome?
What is the 4th day?
What is 66?
One knight a queen and a king leave the castle, in the morning three people come back, who are they?
What is the knight, king, and queen
This natural phenomenon is caused by tectonic plates moving. It happens along a faultline. The Richter Scale measures this thing.
What is an Earthquake?
Pass or Fail
What is the name of the tree Adam and Eve were told not to eat from?
What is the Tree of Knownledge?
How many days and nights did it rain during the Great Flood?
What is 40 days and 40 nights?
What has six faces, but doesn't wear makeup, has twenty-one eyes, but cannot see?
What is a die(dice)?
What are the colors of the Korean flag?
Who is this person?
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
_________ baptized Jesus.
Who is John the Baptist?
What are the fruits of the spirits? (7)
What is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control?
In the morning I have four legs, in the afternoon I have two legs, and during the evening I have 3, What am I?
Am I a human?
What three countries make up the United Kingdom?
What is Ireland, Scottland, and Great Britian?
What is psychology the study of?
What is the study of the mind and body?
What is 2, Ruth and Esther?
What is 3 times?