This is the word we use to describe Jesus being Born as a man.
This is what the girl called herself in the videos we have been watching (includes both the name of the Show and what she described herself as.)
Dot Connor, Webtective
In the 3 minute theology video, this what the guy draw to represent having good theological boundaries.
As long as we are here on earth, we will never be sinless, but as we grow on Christ day by day, we should __________
Sin less
These are the first three words of Genesis.
In the Beginning
Not getting what we deserve is this
The reason the main girl was grounded from her devices
Being on the computer when she was told not to be.
The woman at the well that Jesus met was one of these, or from this region.
Samaritan or Samaria
John 4:13-14 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to ______________.”
Eternal life
The person who wrote the majority of the New Tesatment including Romans
Getting what we don't deserve is this.
After her punishment was over, this is what our main character was trying to solve.
Why she did bad things when she knew better.
In the series we have been watching, this is the item of clothing our main character put on when she starts a case.
Hat (fedora)
When interpreting scripture we should always understand these four facts: Author, Audience, _________, and lens.
This was Abraham's name before God changed it.
The word we use to describe the correct interpretation of the Bible
After the Science fair, this is the person the girls talked to that explained why it seems bad things happen to good people.
Bethany Hamilton
The word we use to describe what happens at the moment of Salvation that we are seen as rightous in the Eyes of God.
Jesus was both ________ and ___________
Fully God and Fully Man(human) (order does not matter)
This is what fell off of Saul (Paul) eyes when Ananias prayed over him after he was blinded on the road to Damascus.
Something like scaled ( will accept scales as well)
This describes the process of being daily confirmed to the Image of Jesus
What emoji did Mikaela use that Alex misinterpreted and what did he think she meant by it in the episode "lost in trsnslation"
The quote from Romans 7:15 both our main character and the person she interviewed said at the same time that related to why we do things even though we know better.
I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do. But what I hate, I do.
For the wages of sin is death ,___________________ _____________________________.
but the gift of God is eternal life in[a] Christ Jesus our Lord.
This was Solomon's whose actions as King caused the Kingdom of Isreal to split in two.