National Patient Safety Goals 2024 (Ambulatory)
Fire Safety/MSDS
HRO skills
Infection Prevention
Miscellaneous TJC question possibilities

This process includes finding out what medicines the patient is taking, including those taken as needed, comparing those medicines to new medicines, record and pass along correct information about a patient’s medicines, providing written instruction to patient/family member on medication the patient should be taking, explaining the importance of patient knowing which medicines to take at home, and to bring up-to-date lists of medicines to every doctor visit 

What is medication reconciliation?

Completed on admission and discharge.


The acronym is RACE.

What is Rescue, Alert, Confine, and Extinguish or Evacuate?


Cross check yourself and others by using the process referred to in the acronym STAR.

What is Stop, Think, Act , and Review?


These are the guidelines for approved drinks at the workstation.

What is leak proof, shatter proof, and spill proof containers with the lid screwed on tightly, and kept in an area with clear separation from patient care supplies, medications, specimens, or designated drinking zones? 


This is how often defibrillators and crash bags are checked.

What is once a day for the defibrillator and monthly bag checks and lock changes.


We utilize this to improve the accuracy of patient identification .

What is 2 patient identifiers? (Name, DOB)

Will use 3 identifiers in case of patients with same name and DOB. Name, DOB, address, phone number, etc.


The evacuation stairwell and outside meeting location for Renal and Med Spec to use in the event of a fire.

What is the back stairwell by the huddle board and under the awning by the food truck? 


We do this when we embrace and reinforce ICARE values, and model the way for others by checking and coaching.

What is Build the Culture?


This is how long you should wash your hands with soap and water when doing hand hygiene.  

What is 20 seconds?


The risks, benefits, side effects, alternatives, and possible results of not receiving care, treatment, or service included on an informed consent are the responsibility of this person.

What is the provider?

Nurses only witness the patient's signature on the consent form.


By assessing the patient’s health-related social needs and providing information about community resources and support services, including access to transportation, education, financial, food or housing insecurity, and identifying health care disparities in patient populations, we provide our patients with this crucial element.

What is healthcare equity?


The acronym is PASS.

What is Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep (at the base of the fire)?


Examples of this skill includes 3 way repeat back and read backs, using phonic and numeric clarification, handoff using SBAR, and asking clarifying questions.

What is communicate clearly?


Staff caring for patients who have this infection must use soap and water instead of hand sanitizer, to clean hands after care.

What is CDiff?


Fire alarm activation, severe weather alert, active shooter alert, missing high risk patient, facility lockdown, emergency response procedures, infant or child abduction, and code blue.

What are plain language facility alerts?


We do this immediately before starting the invasive procedure or making the incision, it must be standardized and initiated by a designated member of the procedure team, it must include active involvement of all team members to agree on correct patient identity, correct site and procedure to be done.  All activity must stop during this mandatory task.

What is a procedural time out?


The MSDS are located here.

Where is on the intranet under Regulatory, then SDS/MSDS Hazsoft?


Examples include question and confirm by validating and verifying, use checklists, other job aids or flowsheets, and consult references when unsure, such as the policies, protocols, and procedures.

What is Thinking Critically?


These are the 5 moments of hand hygiene.

What are upon entry prior to touching the patient, before a clean or aseptic procedure, after body fluid exposure risk, after touching a patient, and after touching patient surroundings upon exiting the room?


This is located in the Parkland Policy Manager and discusses how the facility will function in an emergency.

What is the Emergency Operations Plan?

Located under Nursing administration policies


This mandatory process is for those procedures that require laterality and the use of an indelible marker.

What is marking the procedure site?


The disaster bag for fire drills or disasters/emergencies is located here.

What is the nutrition area below the computer (Philip's office)?


We speak up for safety when we use the skills in the acronym CUS.

What are Voice your concerns, State I am uncomfortable, and this is a safety concern.


This is where you can find the appropriate contact times for common cleaning products.

What is the policy manager, under approved disinfectants?


This is entered to report when a patient or visitor has an accident , injury, error, or near miss.

What is a Safety Post?
