Infection Control
Medication Management
Patient Safety

This is the reason for a clear area around sinks

What is- supplies can be contaminated by dirty handwashing splashes


This should be done before any invasive procedure to prevent wrong patient / wrong procedure / wrong site events.

What is Time Out.


Medication Reconciliation should be performed in the following situations

What is:

1. when transferred to a different level of care

2. on admission

3. on discharge


This is the reason that equipment should not remain stored in hallways.

What is the need for safe exit route in a fire or other emergency. It can be impossible to see a safe exit route when the unit is filled with smoke. Running into equipment while evacuating can cause both staff and patient injury and death.


This process includes pre-procedure verification process, site marking and time out

What is Universal Protocol


this is the reason that equipment, floors, and other items should not have tape or adhesive residue

What is adhesive can trap microorganisms and be difficult to disinfect


These should be addressed in the patient's care plan in addition to the admission diagnosis

What are other comorbidities affecting patient care such as dementia, diabetes, wounds, depression, and mobility limitations


These are not medications, but are required to be secured in a similar manner to prevent access by non-authorized persons

What are needles and syringes


Placing an oxygen tank here when transporting a patient in a bed or stretcher can start a fire.

What is on the mattress with patient. 100% O2 can saturate bed sheets and clothing. Oxygen tanks should only be transported in designated carriers or compartments on beds and stretchers, and never placed on mattresses.


Per AJH policy, these types of orders should be limited to emergency situations and during procedures/surgeries only due to potential for error

What is Verbal Orders?


this is the definition of "wet time"

What is the length of time that disinfectant must stay wet on surface in order to kill microorganisms


This should be done if RN is unable to reach the attending physician to report a critical test result within the required 30 minute timeframe

What is use the chain of command per policy "Chain of Command." (Chain of command starts with Nursing Supervisor, who next contacts the Department Head. Next is Chief Medical Officer.)


These are 2 examples of an unapproved / do not use abbreviation, that must be clarified with provider if found in a medication order

What is: qd, q.d., qod, q.o.d. Q.D., QD, QOD, Q.O.D, MgSO4, MSO4, MS, U, I.U., 1.0 (trailing zero), .1 (missing zero.)


This is the reason that items should not be placed on the floor in front of medical gas shutoff valves or electrical panels.

What is the need for fast, unobstructed access in an emergency.


This is the reason we require certified medical interpreters when communicating to patients who require translation.

Family, friends, or caregivers may be fluent in the patient's native language, but not fluent in medical terminology. The only way to ensure that translation has happened accurately is by using interpreters that have been deemed competent to translate medical information.


This is what to do if the surface does not remain wet for manufacturer's specified wet time (contact time.)

What is spray or wipe with additional disinfectant


These two things must be done for any patient who indicates that English is not their preferred language to receive health care information.  They help to ensure patient understanding of their treatment, and facilitate informed decisions about healthcare.

What are 

1. offer translated consent forms and

2. offer a certified medical interpreter for healthcare conversations. (This can be provided by phone. Patients have the right to refuse a certified medical interpreter. Refusal should be documented in the medical record, along with the name and relationship of any caregiver they choose to use instead for interpreting.)


These must be contained within orders whenever more than one medication is prescribed for the same indication, in order to prevent therapeutic duplication

What are parameters? for example: 

Tylenol for mild pain 1-3, Percocet 5mg for moderate pain 4-6, Percocet 10mg for severe pain 7-10. If there are no parameters or conflicting parameters then the order must be clarified in order to keep within the scope of RN license.


Name 3 non-clinical emergency codes, what they stand for, and how do you know what is expected of you in response?

For any facilities emergency code, consult the EOP manual on AnnaOnline for expected staff response.

1. Code Red - fire

2. Code Amber - infant or child abduction

3. Code Orange - bomb threat

4. Code Silver - active weapon

5. Code Evac - full or partial evacuation

6. Disaster Plan - Influx or movement of patients due to internal or external emergency 

7. Lockdown Plan - all entrances locked except for ED walk in


These are given to all patients who have received blood products because transfusion reactions can happen up to 6 weeks after transfusion.

What is Transfusion Instructions sheet (page three of transfusion tag.)


This should be removed from an IV pump, PCA pump, or enteral feeding pump once it is put into patient use

What is the "clean" sticker


These 2 things should be done at the bedside every change of shift

What are bedside report and line tracing


Describe the steps for cosigning/verifying a high alert medication. What is the most important element of this process?

*Most important element = independent verification*

Do not have the other nurse walk you through it - our brains can often trick us into seeing what we expect or want to see. You are signing off that you confirmed everything independently and came up with the same answer!


2 nurses each verify independently from each other:
    1. confirm patient and order
    2. view applicable lab values
    3. view scale/perform drug calculation
    4. confirm that each came up with same answer
    5. confirm correct medication vial/bag
    6. confirm correct dose in syringe/ pump rate


In the event of an evacuation, what is your department's designated safety area?

Consult Emergency Operations Plan Annex 28 - Safe Zones


How do you ensure the rights, safety, and dignity of a patient who may need restraints?

-Try to prevent situation that leads to restraint

-Use least restrictive method

-Provide frequent checks (per policy) for safety, need for toileting, nutrition, comfort (and document them) 

-Need for restraint is reassessed and they are discontinued when no longer necessary

-Q4H order required for violent restraints (adult), Q24H for non-violent
