Who are your Clinical Risk Managers?
David Wright & Patty Skyorc
What does PASS stand for?
Who is responsible for Infection Control?
You are!
How are patients informed about their rights and responsibilities?
• Patients receive written information about patient rights and responsibilities with the admission packet/handouts at their first visit.
• Information on patient rights and responsibilities is posted on the CommUnityCare website, is available at check-in areas at each site in both English and Spanish, and always available upon request.
• If the patient is unable to exercise his/her rights (e.g., deemed incompetent, medically unable to understand treatment, or unable to communicate wishes), then the patient’s designated representative will be given the information on patient rights.
How do we report out an emergency alert for Fire?
Attention, Attention. Facility Alert + Fire Alarm + Location”
Who is the Employee Heath Nurse?
Christy Latiolais
What are the proper measures you take if a piece of medical equipment failed?
Remove or place a sign " DO NOT USE" , inform supervisor and submit a ticket to User support.
Whose hand hygiene guidelines do we follow?
CDC-Center for Disease Control and Prevention
What do you do if a patient has a language barrier or a hearing or sight impairment?
* Ask the patient what their preferred language of communication is, document it in the medical record and arrange for interpretation or translation services.
* Read patient information/education for those with sight impairments.
Define the meeting place for a Severe Weather Alert?
o Tornado: Instruct everyone to move to the designated shelter-in-place area, away from windows and exterior walls, to protect against potential damage from the storm.
o Hail: Instruct everyone to shelter-in-place to prevent personal injury
o Flood: Instruct everyone to evacuate to higher ground or a safe location, ensuring a clear and safe escape from the flooded area.
Who is the Director of Human Resources?
October Ambrose
What tells you the procedures to clean up a spill for the chemical and emergency/first aid information?
SDS-Safety Data Sheets
Where can you find information on CommUnityCare’s Infection Control Plan?
On Compliance 360 (also referred to as “C360”) with policies and procedures. Find the link to “Compliance 360 Policy Search” on the Compliance SharePoint page.
What is Compliance 360 and where is it located?
CUC Policy management system where you can find the Saftely Manual. It is located on your desk under Enterprise Intanet icon on your desktop.
How do you report out an emergency alert for Disruptive Behavior (standby assistance).
Dr. Tuff+Location (area of disruptive situation)
Who is the Director of Compliance and Privacy Officer?
Therese DeMay
What does RACE stand for ?
What do you do if exposure to blood or body fluids occurs?
Perform appropriate first aid.
Report the exposure to your supervisor immediately
What are the core values of CUC?
Mastering Excellence
People First
What Code is called for Cadiac/Respiratory Arrest?
Code Blue
Who answers your infection control questions?
Rehab Abdelfattah
What is a Patient Safety Event?
An event that cold have resulted or did result, in harm to a patient.
What do you do in your clinic for infection control?
• Clean hands (soap & water or foam)! Do it before and after patient care, before and after eating and after going to the bathroom. Remember foam in, foam out.
• Have sanitizer and tissue readily available for staff and patient use
• Use personal protective equipment – gloves, masks, gowns
• Educate patients on appropriate cough etiquette.
• Educate the patient on the importance of handwashing at home.
• Remind the patient to inform you if they present with a rash.
How is patient dissatisfaction resolved?
• Try to resolve the issue with the patient on your own. If you are unable to resolve the complaint, inform your supervisor.
• If your supervisor is unable to resolve the complaint, s/he can direct the patient to the CommUnityCare patient experience line (512-978-9918).
When is it okay to say I don't know?
Always, It’s ok to say, “I don’t know.” If you don’t know the answer, don’t guess! Simply tell the surveyor: “I don’t know the answer to that question, but I do know where to go to find out” and then you can tell him/her what you would do – ask your supervisor, refer to a policy, etc.