Clients & Families
Site Safety
True or False

______________are utilized to establish a mutual understanding regarding services to be provided to the client. Client is allowed to fully participate in decisions regarding the services.

A) Grievance forms

B) Informed consents

C) Assessments

D) Chats over a cup of coffee

B) Informed consents


When disposing of a client's Personal Health Information (PHI) you can…

A) Toss it into the recycling

B) Put it in the garbage bin, it's going out tonight anyway

C) Use it for scratch paper

D) Put it into confidential shredding bins.

D) Put it into confidential shredding bins: all client documents, including discs, must be properly disposed of to ensure client confidentiality.


Where do I find agency policies, such as the policy of how to respond to medical emergencies? 

A) Intranet>Home>Departments>Facilities

B) Intranet>Home>Policies & Procedures

C) The dusty P&P binder at my site

D) Intranet>Department & Staff Contacts>Call Kevin Conboy about any and all questions I may have

B) Intranet>Home>Policies & Procedures


Fire extinguishers are checked and serviced:

A) daily and monthly

B) weekly and monthly

C) monthly and annually

D) semi-annually and annually

C. Monthly and Annually


True or False

Clients and their caregivers have the right to file complaints about the services they receive. Seneca investigates and responds to each allegation filed.



What does HIPAA stand for?

A) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability     B) Hiding Individual & Personal Accounts Accordingly C) Health Insurable Programs and Assessments  

D) Holding Individual Program Agencies  Accountable                  

A. Health Insurance Portability & Accountability



Every new client must be provided with their own copy of the HIPAA Privacy Notice


We must give each new client their own copy of the notice.


Staff working directly with clients are required to complete how many hours of crisis response training annually?

A) 5

B) 8

C) 10

D) No requirement

C. 10


When using an extinguisher, remember to stay at least _________ away from the fire.

A) 1 foot

B) 2 feet

C) 5 feet

D) 8 Feet 

D) 8 Feet



All employees must receive training on preventing harassment in the workplace.


All SFA employees must complete this training requirement upon hire and then every two years after that.


If a youth begins to display dangerous behaviors in a program that does not use physical holds, staff are trained to:

A) Wing it

B) Call the police or other authorities if a client becomes a danger to self/others

C) Use less restrictive measures to address behaviors such as planned ignoring, proximity, redirection, distraction, crisis communication, etc.

D) B, C, & D

E. B, C, & D

What is the best practice timeframe allowed for completing documentation in a progress note?

A) 36 hours

B) 48 hours

C) 72 hours

D) 3 months

A) 36 hours


What are the ways that Seneca helps me prepare for my job?


B) Program Training Checklists

C) Annual Required Trainings

D) Other Training Opportunities

E) All of the above

E) All of the above

During a disaster, you may hear a designated staff blowing a whistle (1 long whistle burst), you should:

A) Start room evacuation

B) Start site evacuation

C) Start lock down procedure

D) Start shelter in place procedure

A) One long whistle burst is for a room evacuation. 



Anyone within the Seneca Family of Agencies can have access to any client file.


Though we are all one agency, the sharing of Protected Health Information shall be restricted to the minimum amount of PHI a worker needs to know to complete his/her task.


To ensure Seneca receives direct feedback about the experience of services, youth and caregivers are invited to complete formal client perception surveys… 

A) Monthly

B) Yearly

C) At Discharge

D) Never

C) Yearly


Where/How do we document that a client has been informed of their rights, including the right to participate in case planning, the right to refuse services, the right to confidentiality and the right to have staff help connect them to advocates if requested.

A) Receive verbal confirmation

B) Filed signed consents

C) Write a mental health progress note

B) Filed signed consents


Should you write an Incident Report if you are exposed to bloodborne pathogens?

Yes or No 

Yes. Documenting the exposure allows us to track the route of the exposer and how the exposure occurred.


What information is kept in your EC Manual?

A) Extra Care instructions for our clients

B) English Cooking Recipes

C) Environment of Care Policy & Procedures

D) Electronic Copies of Company Forms

C. All Environment of Care policy and procedures are kept in this binder. An electronic copy is kept on the Intranet as well on the Facilities Web Page. Examples are: Safety, Life Safety, Hazardous Materials, Emergency management, Security Management, etc.



Every time I change my job title, I need to complete a new Program Training Checklist.

True, this information becomes part of your file in the Human Resource department and completion of it meets a Joint Commission Human Resouce standard.


One of the youth you work with previously had no known history of Suicidal Ideation but recently started to have Ideation and was hospitalized over the weekend. In terms of documentation you should..

A) Ensure the safety plan is updated

B) Ensure the treatment plan  is updated

C) Ensure the CANS & Clinical Assessment are updated

D) All of the above

D) All of the above. Best practice and Joint Commission require that documentation be updated to reflect client's current needs, preferences, or goals.


We assess the risk for suicide within ____

A) 48 hours

B) 1 week

C) 60 days

A) 48 hours


What does the acronym RACE stand for?

Rescue, Alarm, Contain, Evacuate


The acronym PASS on your staff badge stand for...

A) Press, aim, sweep, stand

B) Pull, aim, sweep, stand

C) Pull, aim, squeeze, stand

D) Press, aim, squeeze, sweep

C) Pull, aim, squeeze, sweep



We are running out of space in our office to store extra training manuals and office supplies. It is probably okay to store them in the Boiler/Mechanical Rooms as long as they aren't leaning against the Boiler.

False: Seneca does not allow storage in the boiler/mechanical rooms of our locations as it is a fire hazard.
