Patient Safety Goals
Let's Talk?
Infection Control
Environment of Care
Test your Knowledge?

NHB's Patient Safety Specialist

Who is Ms. Mayda Schaefer?


When are time-outs performed?

What is before the invasive procedure or making an incision?


True or False: Wearing gloves is a reasonable alternative to washing your hands.

What is false; Gloves have mirco-pores so organisms/germs can wiggle through?


P.A.S.S is an acronym for...

What is Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep?


True or False:  A history and physical is required to be performed within 30 days of surgery in addition to a note within 24 hours prior to surgery indicating the patient has had no changes.

What is True?


Non-skid socks, bed rails up, adequate lighting, call bell within reach

What are ways to prevent patient falls?


Prevention of a Code Red in the Main OR (List 3 things)

What is discussion at huddle regarding airway, ensuring skin prep is dry, safe use  of equipment near drapes.


True or false:  Gloves are required when administering vaccine per CDC requirements?

What is false?  Exception if the person administering the vaccine is likely to come into contact with potentially infectious body fluids or has open lesions on hands.


There must be ______ clearance from the bottom of a sprinkler deflector to any storage or shelving.

What is 18 inches?


True or False:  Pain assessment/reassessments are not to be completed and documented after all operative/invasive procedures per policy/procedures?

What is False?


An event happened that could have harmed the patient, but did not

What is a near miss?


Storing patient supplies on bottom shelves are required to have ______.

What is a solid barrier?


Who's job is infection control?

What is everyone?


The four elements of R.A.C.E

What is Rescue, Alarm, Confine and Extinguish?


What is the rule of thumb for labeling medications on and off the field?

What is if you table it label it or if not immediately administered?


To report an adverse event, or specific events which are inconsistent with routine patient care or MTF operations.

What is a PSR?


True or False:  Entries in the medical record are not required to be legible, dated, timed, signed and authenticated.

What is false?


When should you practice hand hygiene?

What is all the time?

  • Before eating

  • Before and after having direct contact with a patient’s intact skin (taking a pulse or blood pressure, performing physical examinations, lifting the patient in bed)

  • After contact with blood, body fluids or excretions, mucous membranes, non-intact skin, or wound dressings

  • After contact with inanimate objects (including medical equipment) in the immediate vicinity of the patient

  • If hands will be moving from a contaminated-body site to a clean-body site during patient care

  • After glove removal

  • After using a restroom


True or False: Airflow for clean sterilization is positive?

What is true?


What number is called for a Code Blue? What information would you provide?

What is 475-4444; code blue, location, room number, adult or pediatric?


List of safety concerns used to promote improvements in patient safety.

What is the National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG's)?


What are the 5 key principles of a Highly Reliable Organization (HRO)?

What is

1.  Preoccupation with failure/first do no harm

2.  Sensitivity to daily operations

3.  Reluctance to simplify complex problems

4.  Deference to expertise

5.  Commitment to resilience


Item not stored/cleaned in accordance with_______

What is instructions for use (IFU)?


What are gurneys, office furniture, desks, etc. left in hallways/egress greater than 30 min

What is hallway/corridor clutter?


When specimens are obtained (urine, blood, etc.) the process for labeling is _________.

What is label all specimens at the bedside ensuring correct patient identification information is present.
