Where can you find the exit/fire escape plan?
By each stairwell
How do you know when a room is clean vs dirty?
If table paper is down, room is dirty
What is a quality improvement project in your clinic right now?
PA's and appeals, best practice for lab and clinic appts, lab and biopsy results, triage protocols for common patient concerns, standardizing lab monitoring for systemic meds, Accutane and capillary malformations.
10 years old
Where are our AEDs?
Hallway by staff elevators
Identify the 2 smoke compartments on the 5th floor?
Waiting area lobby are 1 and patient and workspace is 2nd
What is the required dry time for Sani wipes?
1 minutes
What do you do before a procedure takes place?
Time out session
How often do we administer ASQ screening?
Every 90 days
Where do you enter an incident report?
Intranet - Origami report
If both of our smoke compartments are compromised, what do we do?
Go to the next smoke compartment (4th floor)
How do you prevent stock from outdating?
Outdating monthly, Rotate old stock to front/top, place new items on bottom/back
What always needs to be on specimen label?
Date, time of collection, what type of specimen and your initials, site of collection
What do you do if you find a patient safety risk situation?
We can report to our safety champion (Kayla and Deisy), enter a ticket, notify leadership
What happens when a staff member gets injured? (ie needle stick)
What does PASS stand for?
Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
How long should you scrub your hands to achieve cleanliness?
20 - 30 seconds
If you have a question or concern and you may not know the answer, where do you go?
Ask my supervisor/manager or our supervisor of the day
How are we helping to reduce the risk of suicide in children?
Initiated ASQ screening and have mental health resources and social workers for consultation for high risk
Where do you find the MSDS sheets?
Intranet > Patient & Community Care > Best and Safest Care
What does RACE stand for?
Rescue, alarm, contain, evacuate
If you cannot clean instruments right away, what should you do?
Wet paper towel and place over instruments until you can clean and process. TIP: Best practice is to get instruments to processing as soon as possible.
How do you verify a patient's identity before administering medications?
2 patient identifiers (name, DOB)
Document in EPIC and notify provider via pager/voalte or in person if in clinic
If systems go down, what do you do?
Begin downtime processes, Access downtime binder, use designated downtime computer