What is the contact time for the Super-Sani wipes?
The contact time is two minutes (you can also reference the manufacturer’s recommendations if you are unsure).
Describe best hand hygiene practice.
Clean In, Clean Out with soap and water for 15 seconds or foam until dry.
How do you ensure medications are secure in all locations?
Medications not under direct supervision are secured in closets/cabinets. They are not left unattended.
How are you competent to perform your job?
Through basic education, orientation, continuing education, and annual training.
How would you extinguish a fire?
P – Pull the pin.
A – Aim the extinguisher at the base of the fire.
S – Squeeze the handle trigger.
S – Sweep side to side.
Gloves, gowns, masks, eye shields and face shields are all examples of this.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
How often do you perform medication reconciliation?
This is performed at every visit.
Does your clinic allow sample medications?
Per RUMC policy, pharmaceutical product samples will not be stored, dispensed, or administered in any patient care area.
I would like to file a complaint, but I do not want to talk to anyone associated with Rush, who should I contact?
The Patient Rights poster lists TJC’s and Illinois Department of Public Health’s contact information.
When was your last training on fire safety?
Fire drills are conducted every 12 months in business occupancies. Additionally, upon hire, and then at least annually, I am required to complete the mandatory Fire Safety training module.
When was the last time you disinfected your stethoscope?
I disinfect my stethoscope at least once a day and when visibly soiled. I use an alcohol pad or Super-Sani wipe to disinfect it.
How should a specimen be labeled?
The specimen is labeled in front of the patient using two identifiers.
How does the clinic monitor the refrigerator temperature over the weekend?
I reset the min/max memories at the close of the clinic day. I then check the min/max temperatures Monday morning to assure the medications/vaccines were kept within the required temperature range.
What number do you dial for a medical emergency?
Medical emergencies should be called to extension 2-5111, the RUMC page operator; the Westgate building and off-campus building dial 911.
How long do you flush eyes (using an eyewash station) if exposed?
15 minutes
All of these, with the exception of vaccines, must be disposed of after 28 days after opening.
Multi-use vials
What are the required elements of a time out?
The team verifies it’s the correct patient, correct site and correct procedure.
Once a multiple-dose vial is punctured, it should be assigned a “beyond-use” date of _____ days, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.
How do you accommodate a patient’s preferred language?
We have several options: Interpreter Services, Interpretalk, or Qualified Bilingual Staff (QBS).
Where are the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) located?
Log onto the RUMC Intranet --> Department --> Occupational Safety --> 3E MSDS Online --> All Users
What is stored in biohazard bags?
Only hazardous supplies/specimens.
What must occur when the person preparing a medication/solution is not the person who will be administering it?
A second, qualified individual must observe the medication draw.
True or False.
If a multi-dose vial enters the immediate patient treatment area, it should be dedicated to that patient only and discarded after use.
Who obtains the informed consent?
The physician/ advanced practice provider/registered nurse performing the procedure may obtain the informed consent.